
Does this mean that Biden is now protected and off limits?

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David Wade, spokesman for Biden, stated to ABC - "we will not tolerate anyone questioning Senator Biden's 35-year record".

Are we now not supposed to question Biden because he is on Obama's ticket and has to be afforded the same protection? Why can they attack a 17 year old child, who is not on anyone's ticket, but can not question an adult running for vice-president?




  1. That's what it means, unless you risk being called a racist, anti-aged, anti-verbose, homophobe!

  2. And we give one rats asss as to what David Wade wants? I could give two chits what he thinks.  


    maybe this is why .

  4. Well then, they can no longer question Palin's record.  What's good for one VP candidate is good for the other.

  5. That is the liberal Democratic way. Don't question their record or experience , a pregnant teenage daughter is the iSSue sheep, stay on track.

  6. BIG YAWN.  McCain has said pretty much the same thing.  And?

    No one on Obama's campaign is attacking Bristol Palin.  Quite the opposite.

  7. do you have any source at all? i mean seriously you never have any sources.

  8. That's the Hypocritical ways of the Left.   They don't play by the rules,  unless they set them.  

  9. since we are attacking children I say let the stories Of Bidens criminal son he likes to keep quiet about begin.

    Let Biden start explain how good of a parent he is.

  10. Think Obama got it right when he stated that children of candidates were off limits.

  11. Everybody knows and likes Biden his experience is not in question here. Obama picking Biden was a smart want somebody who can help you govern not somebody who will help you get the women vote of the stupid vote.

    Obama put his country first.

  12. Did he say that?  No.  He said they wouldn't tolerate it.  Meaning, you can ask questions all you want, but you're not going to like our mundane answers to silly questions.

    Oh, and Biden cannot control what the media asks about other people, they were talking about a specific topic here...  How you relate these two wholly unrelated issues is beyond me.

    His son has been in the media for over a month with regards to his impending trial.  Get over yourselves.

    Obama and Biden haven't said one negative remark about Palin's daughter.  The media is the one stirring that pot.

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