
Does this mean tht im??? =[[?

by  |  earlier

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ok so last school year i saw this guy and i was like omg hes so hot!

but then i saw him again and i was like lol he kinda looks like a girl sorta not rly.

but then it turns out tht he is actually a she!

but she dresses in boy clothes and hangs out with them so i thought [a lot off ppl thought] she was a guy.

then when i went school shopping at the mall i went in to a shoe store and was like omg theres a hot guy in here and then i was like wait is tht? and it was her. so then me and my friend go back just to hang out i show 'him' to her and shes like u can tell thts a girl!

and u could only cuz she was wearin a shirt tht wasnt baggy so u could tell.

but when shes in boy clothes u cant tell!

and i still like 'him' but i also still like boys tht r boys.

so my question, is this normal or wut??

im 15 btw....




  1. it doesn't matter that you still think "she" is attractive it doesn't mean your g*y or anything and who cares if you are. Just cause you find another woman attractive does not mean anything to be honest i have noticed girls check out more girls than they do guys (they compare them selves) if you are considering dating her then that's a whole new topic. but don't think your any different then anyone else.

  2. lol sorry not thats not normal i mean i get the first time it was a mistake but idk u should think about things like your i dont want to put it in a bad or wrong way but u should question your orientation.

  3. ahahha the same thing happend but it was a movie and i thought the girl was a ctually a  boy and i was like oh hes hot then i was like o c**p h**l no ewwwwwww its a girl ahahah trhat was one funny day.hmmmmmm i dont kno it doesnt reall sound normal but watever if u like her/him u like em.but yea thats wierd.heheheh

  4. u know she's a gurl

    and you still think she's hot

    i think that would make you bi

  5. Ha ha you aren't a lez.  I'm straight as a board and I thought Dani off of Tila Tequila would be really hot as a guy (she dressed like it).  If anyone is to blame is the girl for dressing like a guy, you should be able to tell if someone is a guy or a girl by looking at them.  You're fine. =]

  6. haha same thing happened to me...i was like ooh look that dudes kinda cute..and their like that is a girl..haha i was so embarassed but anyway if u still like her and u know shes a girl than ya that kinda makes u bi

  7. haha sounds like a story my friend told me. there was this kid in her school and she thought that he was reallly hot so she asked him out and it turned out to be a girl, she  was like "what"?!?! when she asked her out.

    no lie.

    haha sorry that proboly didnt help. just dont feel bad lol its happened before.

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