
Does this mean u passed?

by  |  earlier

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if you get a D in college, does that mean u pass?




  1. D is passing in some courses. If its for you major, you might have to retake it in order to get credit. If its just an elective course and you don't need the requirement, you'll probably be fine. Just ask your adviser that question and they should be able to tell you exactly what the policy is at your college. You're probably going to want to get it up for the future though...if the class had been pass/fail, it would have been leaning toward "fail."

  2. D stands for diploma!  Yes it does mean you passed but hopefully it is only one class of many.  Your grades are averaged out together and if you get anything less than a 2.0 you will probably be put on academic probation until your gradepoint average comes up.

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