
Does this money-making scheme work?

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I got this letter that has six names on it. I'm supposed to send $1 to each of them and then copy the letter and mail to 200 more people. Sounds like it could work, but I don't know...I've tried researching online, but what I'm getting is forums where people are doing the online version of this. Has anyone done this??




  1. Wow -- I am really surprised something this primitive is still going on.  This was a popular scheme 30 years ago.  To answer your question, no one ever responds and it IS illegal (mail fraud).

  2. that is a very common pyramid scheme, but they are called schemes.  check your local laws in the legality of pyramid schemes.  ultimately the basics is that money is just moving between parties.  those that make money in the scheme are higher up and can make a lot of money.  it takes some work to move up and in theory it all should work and be fine if the everyone does their job and the pyramid grows.   ultimately nothing can last forever, and when things crash, people are going to lose money.  those up in the pyramid will make a lot of money but those at the bottom lose, but the loses are sparsed out among a lot of people.  people that tend to succeed in this scheme are those very good salesmen that live guilt free and quit when they made their money.  would i suggest you get involved?  no

  3. ok if it says scheme it isnt likely its going to work and there's a chance its illegal

  4. sounds a little to good for comfort, id stay well away from it, I got trapped in one and there is always someone at the top getting all the money!!  Plus out of those 200 letters you send out, how many are actually going to do it?  I tried this thing with kids books one time (nice and innocent) and you were suppossed to send out six letters etc so you'd get back 21 books, i got maybe 3, no one wants to take the risk.  

  5. If you want something that works - take a look at this site - it is totally free - no money out of your pocket what so EVER!!  All it requires is you doing a little networking with friends, family, etc...which I know would have no problem helping you out - if they love to shop and save.

    >great for extra cash!

  6. This is what is known as a chain letter.  It is based on a pyramid scheme where people at the top of the pyramid will benefit from those at the bottom and those at the bottom now will eventually be at the top.  This is a scam and is illegal.  The truth is that the chain usually falls apart long before you make your way to the top of the pyramid because others will become greedy and then you are left with less money in your pocket.

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