
Does this need replacing if so does it need the whole crank changing or can i just change the rings?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Hard to tell for sure, but the in picture where it looks as though 1/2 a tooth is missing, it isn,t, this is part of the design to enable the chain to climb easier onto the top ring.

    The rest of the teeth don,t look to bad and in any case, the smallest ring usually wears out before the top one.

    If you are not having any problems with gear slippage or jumping, I would leave it alone as when you do change it, you probably need to do the chain and rear cassette as well.

    Looks like you may be able to change the rings only, not too difficult if you can get them and are handy with tools.

  2. That chainset doesn't look worn to me. There is a tooth chipped, but apparently some people saw off a single tooth anyway (I can't be bothered to explain why). If I were you, I'd carry on using it. It looks fine. The teeth aren't particularly worn.


    Actually, looking at the picture again it does seem rather worn. I would imagine that the chain has stretched. If so, it will need changing at some point, although I personally would leave it until it becomes a problem and your chain starts skipping. That's not the best course of action, but still...

  3. OK well you just need new rings but that is hard to change... if you don't know Wat your doing. if your your gunna bring it to a shop get the hole crank changed. if you know wat your doing just change the rings.

  4. Yes your ring looks well worn. Chaining them is not difficult. Simply unscrew the bolts holding the old ring on. Slip on the new ring and replace the bolts. Quite easy really.

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