
Does this news story put you off fad diets?

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  1. too be honest she wont even enjoy the money as she damaged her memory, speech and concentration.

    water diet? - pathetic. i do hear alot of outrageous fad diets.

    cant they just eat normal with slightly smaller food portions and exercise 3x weekly?

    why punish yourself to lose weight?

  2. latest news-

  3. Am a bit torn over this one, on the one hand I can understand that people put their trust in others to give the right advice, so the lady "trusted" her nutritionist knew what she was talking about.   But on the other hand, you'd think that uncontrolled vomiting would make most people think, I don't care what you say, nothing is worth feeling this lousy and this "diet" clearly doesn't suit me.


    There is the sense yet again of a fully grown adult abdicating any sense of responsiblilty for their actions but just blithely continuing with something clearly doing harm, and not going to a Dr. once these symptoms appeared.  What we don't know is whether the lady involved went over and above what the nutritionist told her to do, many a dieter has done that in the past, you know the thing, well if doing this helps me burn 500 calories then doubling it loses a 1000 in 10 minutes....

    I think it highlights the need for us to ensure our expert is truly an expert with recognised credentials, that there truly are no miracles in dieting, well loaves and fishes excepted, and we are all responsible for deciding that something isn't right when the symptoms are notably detrimental to our health.

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