
Does this news surprise you?

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  1. No not at all. nice one Ellis

  2. Not at all.

  3. not surprised, I clean mine with a clorox wipe. =)

  4. ewww...I am cleaning my keyboard right now.

  5. gross, but not surprising.

  6. Not surprised by the amount of S**t some people type...

  7. since door k***s are dirtier than your toilet seat, this does not surprise me at all.

    after all dont u think toilet seats r so much cleaner than we thought?

  8. I caught a disease from my keyboard and all my hair fell out.

    So as i dont have any eyebrows you will never know.

  9. I heard the same thing about cell phones, most people cover thier bottem all day and don't open doors and touch everything they see with their bottem, but hands get into everything and people probably don't think, " I am going to use my keyboard now so I better wash my hands first".

  10. Not just keyboards......ever been in to a mcdonald's and noticed there's no soap in the bathroom. and let's not forget the hundreds getting ill on the cruise ships hmmmm...??? Everything evrywhere carries dangerous bacteria, that's why I wash my hands constantly even after thinking.! Clean up your World people.!!

  11. No it doesnt suprise me. Germs are everywhere thats why they make anti-bacterial

  12. No It doesn't surprise me, all kind of interesting things end up in my keyboard, but I am going to give it a good spring clean.

  13. this is best answeared by the yahoo panel,they soon get rid of our ****??????

  14. It doesn't surprise me at all.

    I clean my toilet all the time, the last time I cleaned my keyboard

    One of those things I never really thought about and now it's hard to type as I think about all the nasty things I'm touching with each keystroke.

    I don't even want to think about the proportion of bacteria on my F and J keys.

    Gotta clean this thing now - yuck - definitely filing this under "things I wish I didn't know". ;-)

  15. Don't surprise me, i use my computer as a toilet!

  16. mine isn't

    brand new today


    no crumbs

  17. Team McCanns Keyboards have always been full of s***

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