
Does this ninja have skills?

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he goes to my church!

he claims to be a self taught jedi..

lol what do you think?

please leave youtube comments!




  1. If he had skills, he would never have been caught by a camera.

    The really good ninja are the ones that you never see!

  2. ok **** everybody else that **** was hilarious and if that kid has the delusion of being a martial artist and u ppl wanna bak him up then our community is getting less and less serious about its image. also for all u ppl bashing on this kid for makin fun of this other kid, he actually said nothing offensive just gave u a video to make ur own opinions on, and dont anyone get all christian and say anyting about being a good christian or christian ways because im catholic and i know that the christians have been opressing others for centuries, i mean h**l the bible says ur g*y or juish then u go to h**l, so dont take that holy path ur self rightiouse sons of 2 b*****s. that video was funny and if ppl wana do stupid **** in front of a camera they should expect a less than positve reactions from others. and bujinkaan or wtf ur name is go **** urself, seriously....and u say u do al these martial arts well how good can u be at any if all u do is switch style to style, thats quantity over quality buddy and that **** will let u down everytime

  3. it takes a very little man to pick on some one less fortunate than them self you sir are a very little little man

  4. He looks like he's having fun. What's the harm?


    Okay, wait, I just noticed this... He goes to your church. Your CHURCH. You didn't say temple, you didn't say mosque, you said church. Now how is what you've done here exemplary of Christian values? Man, I'm not even religious and I feel like a better Christian than you right now.

    Sweet! Now even Katana agrees with me. Though, I'm not sure it wasn't a wee bit backhanded. Non-Christian doesn't mean bad person. *sniff*

  5. The samurai would be proud of that kid wouldn't they?  He should hold his head up though so that he is able to see his opponent, if I were his coach that would be one of the first corrections made to his abilities.  I'd take him as a member of Team Bushi and have him knocking punks out left and right .... he'd become the new "Paul Buentello" under my direction and teaching.  I could easily see a "undefeated" record in MMA for that kid on your video.  If he thought he had "Jedi Skills" before just wait until he meets and trains with Team Bushi.  Some "core work" heavy bag training, give him a solid ground game, lots of strength training and that kid would be the "Shiznit" dude.  So thinking that posting the so-called "under dog" in here in order to knock a young, "not quite developed" future MMA star. Then laughing at him will make you feel good about your self even though you're proving my theory about vain and shallow imps and doltish, childish minds could end up making you feel bad down the road when this kid actually does end up making something of him self.  

    $1, 000, 000, 000.00 says I could train that kid to be a "dangerous man" in the cage against any opponent ..... any takers?

  6. Oh dear, this post is all kinds of wrong. I don't think I should post here.

    But I will.

    At least he tries. You sit there and laugh, I sit here and say put your video up there doing better. If you can't then don't bring that stuff here in here and waste our time and that of the gerbils running the wheel between your screen and your chair.

  7. I quite honestly as a Christian am appaled at you and this question. Yeah it's a funny video, however it does not give you the right to come on here and post it for everyone to see.

    How are we supposed to believe you that he thinks he's a jedi or ninja, and wasn't just goofing with a bunch of his friends.

    Please do not call yourself a christian, as you give the rest of us a bad name, and I agree right now stslavik is more of one then you are.

    I definetly think you are more pathetic then the kid ever thought of being.

  8. Not sure who is more pathetic....

    Him, or you for actually taking the time to pick on him.

    I vote for you.

  9. Sadly, he's probably better than you. Do you even train in martial arts?... No.

  10. ... he thinks he is a jedi i dont think he deserves to live(i like starwars but hate anyone who thinks they are a jedi)

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