If you were living on the streets, but you were in the process of building a house (usually takes six months or so), and had the means and opportunity to purchase a tent to keep your head dry in the interim until your house was built, wouldn't you do it?
You know the tent is NOT the final solution, and at some point you know that tent will end up useless and in the landfill, but you also know it'll keep you warm and dry until a better solution (house) comes along. Wouldn't it make sense to buy the tent in the interim?
Then why don't we go for the oil that we have on our own U.S. territory and use it, reducing our dependancy on foreign oil, while we work towards the other solution of alternatives? I mean, I know why we don't (because the "Save the spotted owl" whackjobs won't let us) but why don't we say s***w them and do it anyway?