
Does this open a lot of career options?

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My goal is to learn Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. I know quite a bit of Japanese, and obviously English but still have the other two to learn. Even though I'm learning them just for fun, I'm thinking about possibly using them in a career somehow.

Does knowing all three and English open a lot of career options? Or would I end up being limited to just teaching English over there?




  1. If you only stick to languages then "yes" you will only be able to teach and/or translate.  If you learn something else like business, finance, etc you will do incredibly well with a multi-national firm.

    The bank I work for thrives on individuals who can communicate well in other languages because it runs global offices.  

    Please be advised that there is no real language called "Chinese."  A lot of mainland Chinese speak Mandarin and Hong Kong tends to speak Cantonese.  These two tend to be the most popular in business with China along with English.  It would be important also to take these language courses by vocabulary type.  For example:  If you have chosen "Business or Commerce" as your other major, then take a "Business Mandarin" course too so that you learn business vocabulary and ethics.  (I am bilingual but never learned financial vocabulary until much later on.  This makes it very hard to communicate with someone financially in any other language but English).

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