
Does this open eyes to the reality of the Israel/Palestine conflict?

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First off, I want to give a disclaimer that I am in no way trying to make any political assessments or judgments on the issue of the Israelis and Palestinians. Ultimately what I hope to see is peace with both sides. Fair?

That said, I came across this website the other day - and it BLEW me away. Obviously, you're going to notice a particular message when you click on the link - that the United States is responsible for what you will see.

However, with that said, pictures do not lie. I am posting this as I feel this is a side to the conflict that most people do not see - or are not aware of.

Click on it with an open mind, and I hope it will at least trigger some questions and thoughts in people.

Thank you.




  1. Saying that pictures don't lie is inaccurate at best.

    Don't you remember Reuters "picture kill" from 2 years ago?

    What about Paliwood?

    The headlines/story behind the picture depicts a whole different story from what you actually see.

    CAMERA has a whole section just for you.

  2. Well actually I din't need to see these pics b/c what i've read and seen already confirms my belief that this so called peace talk is just a veil to get the Palestinians to surrender. Whenever someone from Palestine kills/shoots an Israeli the media all over the world covers the news (like the one a month ago at the Jewish Seminary) but the horrors committed against the Palestinians are more horrific. I do think that both sides do need to come to a truce and both are responsible for claiming of innocent lives but I hold Israel to be the more evil side in this.Not because I am anti-semitic, i m not even a muslim, but b/c it's just morally wrong.

  3. I'm not a muslim (far from it) or a Jew (also far from that) so I like to think that I can form a non-biased opinion in this struggle.  Just from looking at the facts I have to say that Israel is the "bad guy" here.  Heck the land they live on wasn't even up for grabs when they moved in, and no other group of people in history that suffered  genocide  (and there are other groups out there, you just don't hear about them look around) have been handed a whole country to call their own.  Most of them still live in refugee camps.   I'm not defending the killing of innocents on either side, but I can understand why the Palestinians are driven to such acts.

  4. Ok, I should've listened to the weak heart warning cuz im in tears right now.

    Thanks for posting.

    Keep spreading the word.

  5. "However, with that said, pictures do not lie."

    However, the words written around the pictures might.

    And the pictures NOT shown may contribute to a lie since they omit possible valuable context.

    As an example, the website was started because of a picture showing an angry Israeli policeman with a baton hovering over a bloodied teenager. The Israeli policeman was labeled correctly. The teenager was incorrectly labeled as Palestinian. In truth, he was a Jewish teenager from Chicago who was in a cab that took a "wrong turn" into an Arab neighborhood. The boy was hauled out of the cab and beaten up. The policeman was coming to his aid and was warning off the attackers with his baton.

    The reality is that the TRUE side of the conflict that most people don't see is due to not understanding of the context of the conflict and why each side does what it does. Granted, it is very difficult to do that, but I can assure you it is not provided by that website that you have linked to.

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