
Does this person has a mental problem????

by  |  earlier

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my aunt buys about 10 bottles of bleach, every time we do groceries, washes her cothes twice and cleans with a rug(washed with bleach and soap)the dryers she will use from the laundrymat, then before she folds the laundry she wipes the table she will use, also she desinfects the sink after she brushes her teeth every morning!!!! dont get me wrong iam a clean person but this is driving me nuts. also she freaks out when i leave a single spoon on the sink.....




  1. yes she has obsessive compulsive disorder... wikipedia it to find out more... remember .. u drink the booze you loose

  2. She doesn't sound nuts. She does sound like she far a slightly more intense form of O.C.D (obsessive compulsive disorder) as long as this is not interfering with her life then she doesn't need to seek help, but if at any time these rituals start to get in the way of normal activities she should keep therapy.

  3. I don't think so... I clean out the dryers at laundromats also and wipe the tables. I wipe out the sink when I'm done b/c water spots are a big pet peeve. Washing clothes twice does seem a little extreme though

  4. obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)

  5. Sounds like she has a complusive disorder. I use to be an absolute clean freak. Then I went through boot camp and it cured me of this. The reason I was the way I was is because I had too easy of a life living by myself.

  6. i don't know if i would say she has a mental problem, but she sure does like things to be clean....i'd say she has more of an obsession

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