
Does this picture look proffessional?

by  |  earlier

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Taken with a Kodak Easyshare V1233 12mp digital camera.




  1. yeah, it looks like a proffesional pic !!! love your eyes, they're really pretty ;)

  2. kinda... like you possed but i can tell it was not

  3. yeah...but i wouldnt take another pic in a grave yard

  4. awesome, looks fun/ a bit pro hehe, cemetery's are badass lol

  5. Yes it does look professional, i would hire the person to take pictures for me.

    BTW the girl is really hot

  6. Almost... a pro would have used a much shallower depth of field to reduce the background details.

    You are very lovely, though.

  7. is it you

  8. No not really there are some things that could have been changed.

  9. Woo Graveyards

  10. Yes, this picture looks professional.  I can see the play with light and shadow around your left eye.  There are the right amount of shadows and nearly perfect portrait composition to make this look like a professional picture.

    Have fun

  11. lol...h**l no, theres nothing professional about a little prepubescent teenage girl with braces.

  12. No, not really. The angling and lighting are a bit off, and the whole cemetery thing really throws the whole thing out of spectrum. Sorry! =[

  13. I think the person should be centered, but I think you're so pretty, your picture warms my heart and I would love you if I met you.

  14. looks nice

  15.'s not bad!!!

  16. a lil

  17. hey, cool braces!

  18. yes it looks pro

  19. No.

    Her right arm is cut off and there is al ot of space on her left.

  20. it doesn't look professional. that girl's beautiful. except her mouth.

  21. It does but why would you get your picture taken in a grave yard?

  22. Are you asking if you look professional or does it look like a photo taken by a professional?

    To the latter question, it does look professionally done but if you re asking if you look professional not really. i dont think you should be staning in a position where people can see down your blouse....just my opinion u look great tho:)

  23. you are so pretty and hot. where are you from?

  24. Who ever is in tht picture needs to gain sum weight...

    Guys dont like it when girls are sticks, and she looks unhealthy.,.

  25. I think you need to learn the rule of thirds.  It will greatly help you when framing photos.

  26. Yes, it looks really good. The gravestones in the background add interest.

  27. its not a bad picture but definately not professional.

  28. yea, it looks pretty pro

  29. it loooks like a very good amateur picture, not profetional

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