
Does this picture seem altered to you?

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So McCain was in the area the other day and this is on the front page of the newspaper today. But it looks so FAKE! Why would the newspaper have a fake picture?




  1. It wasn't faked.  It was probably shot with a crappy camera though, and over-saturated.

    Shot from a high angle -  looks like he's on a platform below the people behind him, etc.

  2. Hi Just

    It's not fake nor altered. The reason his face is different is because he is closer to the camera and it will do that.

    Why should someone alter the picture ahyway. The guy attracts the crowd. The colors are ok and it was taken with a crappy camera.

    I edit enough pics in a days's work to know the difference. If it is altered, prove it to me. I will learn something new.

    edit...some of you who claim to know editing in Photoshop needs to brush up on it or you don't have the talent for it.

  3. Yup, that's about as real as Andy d**k is straight. That doesn't even take a trained eye to notice.

  4. Lmao that is so fake!

  5. If you look at people's eyes, they are not looking at him. Plus, he clearly looks sharper than the background.

  6. sooooooo fake!!

  7. It definitely is fake.  If you look at it, aside from the points everyone else is saying, the perspective leads to two possibilities - either it is fake or McCain is hobbitish in his proportion.  Since he's in front of the people, he should seem slightly larger in comparison.  But no, he looks a good amount smaller than the surroundings.  Hack job at photoshop.

  8. Absolute fake!

    The light source and the color is off from the crowd. Plus the McCain's resolution is much clearer and finer than the crowd. The proportion is off too.

    They need a better photoshop artist if they want to convince ppl.

  9. Hello Just Lady

    In my opinion, that pictue is not altered and is real. I agree with the posters above me that it was shot with a cheap camera or it was taken with a zoom from a distance because of the angle and head shot, come to think of it.

  10. It looks fake to me too, I don't know why it would have a fake picture unless the newspaper couldn't find a good picture of him and so they faked it.

  11. More importantly, why would the newspaper post the image on Photobucket?

  12. It does! I mean, the crowd of people looks paler/more grainy than him. And he looks shiny. xD It looks totally fake.

  13. You know, I doubt it's fake.

    Sometimes lighting can fool you, as was the case in a shot of Barack Obama shooting basketball that everyone was claiming to be 'Shopped!', but was just taken at a strange angle at odd timing.


    (Everyone thought he couldn't possibly have his head facing that way shooting, but he was rebounding. And no one thought of that.)

    So, I hate to be the only one to think otherwise in this little one-sided debate, but I see no reason to believe it to be fake.

    1. Why fake it? It's not controversial and not even that great of a shot. Probably why you think it's not real, because good pictures look a lot better.

    2. His suit is just an off-black color when light reflects off it.

    3. He's not hobbit-sized, as the other comment claims. The people are elevated on a mini-platform (hence the railings).

    4. Yes, some are looking at him. The ones that aren't are obviously just not as enthused, probably because they've been watching him the whole time and he's not going to disappear in a puff of smoke. Seriously, he's still going to be there when they look back, so why not look away for a second? It's completely normal; don't act like all eyes must be focused on him for the photo to be real.

    All that said, it could still possibly be fake, but give your local news chain a bit of credit, will you? It doesn't take an acrobat to get a shot of McCain. He's not bigfoot; it's not difficult enough to fake.

  14. What's the point in having a fake pic, when he isn't doing anything spectacular?! It looks pretty fake though, the images have different textures.

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