
Does this poetry have a style name? Will those that like or write poetry critique?

by Guest58876  |  earlier

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No Small Miracle!

One toe that moves,

One mind that ponders—

One heart that beats,

One love that grows fonder—

One hand that touches,

One tree in the forest!

One porcelain doll,

One circus clown—

One baseball hat,

One small town—

One guitar, a man a-strumming.

One tree in the forest!

One fine performance,

One piece of art—

One remembrance,

One sweetheart—

One-step taken,

One tree in the forest!

One moon lit sky,

One star so high—

One weenie a-roasting,

One woman—

One man a-boasting,

One tree in the forest!

One attraction,

One face—

On touch

One embrace—

One kiss.

One tree in the forest!

I have many verses such as this. The tree in the forest is better explained in another poem which speaks of the cross. My feelings are that there are no small miracles. All of God's blessings, each tiny raindrop is a magnificient miracle. And the tree, I suppose represents the cross.




  1. This is Free Form. Some people also call this a "List Poem."

  2. Interesting. I really kind of like this style, although I have no idea what the name of the style is...

    Although on some level I agree with the person who said 'anyone could have written this'...that is partly true, but then again, anyone could have written a lot of the different poems that a person sees around, but they chose not to and you (or someone else) took the time to take those feelings and write them down and express them.

    Also, if there were 5 people writing a poem about "one", they would probably come up with entirely different lists, because what is important to them may not be important to another.

    All in all, I say this is a good poem. I was taught in school that unless you are specifically after a certain style which actually has rules, then no poetry is incorrect. Write it however you want to. It is your composition. It is your style. And nobody can tell you it is wrong!

    Keep writing. It will inspire you with more thoughts and you will come up with even more and more wonderful poetry.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Like someone else stated a "chant" of sorts. I think it is excellent. Showing all the things we shouldn't forget, the simple things, human feelings, and thoughts. More important than something you buy in my opinion.Thanks for sharing.

  4. I agree with Tori on this, it is a list poem.

    What's really nice about it besides the rhythm is the number of concrete images you use.

  5. That is poetry with rhythm and flow that touches the soul. So few have such deep feelings. Beautiful written. Don't know the style, but I do know it is poetry and well written and very expressive of the title. Unique thoughts. So few of us remember just one touch, etc. keep posting.The alliteration One might also serve as the title.

  6. idk what its called or anything but being a fond person of writing poetry i think that your poem doesnt express what i think your trying to say.

    it seems like random things just kind of put together....

    maybe you can rewrite it in a similar format but say what you want your poem to say...

    maybe mentioning God and somewhere saying something like,

    one magnificient miracle

    either big or small

    one God who created all

    just something were you can get a better understanding of what you are trying to say....

    hope i have helped!

    i dont mean to be rude if i have...


  7. We take so much for granted, that more often than not we forget, or over look, the tiny blessings. What a beautiful reminder this was. I thank you for that...

    Much love always,


  8. A-B-C-B-D-F Alliteration!?

  9. the style would be called free verse, or at least it was when i was in school(over 10 yrs ago) but nowadays with them catagorizing everything now it's probly named something completely different. So far it sounds pretty good to me, would like to read the rest!

  10. no offense, but taht poem could have been written by anyone. i mean, nothing really that good. i mean, it's like your where trying to make some amazing statement of some sort, but really wasn't touching at all and "anyone" could have come up with it. do you know how may poems are like your using one in the begging on each sentence?? well there are "a lot" and i've seen much better poems then this. [even though taht doesn't answer your question really, just saying]

    but to answer your question on what style it is, i like to call it wannabe poetry.

  11. This poem is what I would refer to as "An Awareness" poem. That  is not a recognized name for poetry but one that suits me to describe it.

    A list of things that you are ware of in your life or events in others.

    Thinking about it, there really is only one of everything.


  12. It is a list poem also know as free form -- I find them difficult to concentrate and get the message because of the repetition, but I am just one person.  Using your list, I would weave each stanza into a section of a forest.  

    The ONE is obviously significant as the One and only God who created the beauty, the challenges, the toys, LIFE.

    This is created from your comments about your work -- it flows for me, but for others a list poem has flow that can be chanted to music.

    The tree in the forest

    the cross of my Savior.

    The only Son of God

    died for my sins,

    my sins!

    There are no small miracles.

    All of God's blessings,

    each tiny raindrop

    is magnificent

    a miracle filled

    with reflections.


  13. " I haven't seen poetry like this. I love learning new things. thanks for showing me. I loved it.

    It's great to get your inspiration from somewhere and Gods done well for you.


    Cheers : )

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