
Does this population graph show the World's biggest danger?

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  1. its a bit scary that there are twice as many people now as when i was born......

    its equal biggest danger`along with destruction of earth systems services and greenhouse gas emissions.

    a bad combination; more people, emitting more per person, and removing more of the sink that previously would reabsorb those emissions.

  2. lady wood is so wright !!!  Look at China.  Look at the food shortage in North Africa.  Look at the food prices all over wright now.  It is coming soon all because of over population.

  3. No.

    Food shortages and disease are always caused by government policy, never by overpopulation.

    Look at the places in Africa that are starving and suffering from disease.  They have a lower population per square foot than most of the rest of the world.  It is government policy that keeps these people poor and starving.  Until people realize that overpopulation is NOT the problem for these people, they will continue to starve.

  4. It is so obvious that overpopulation is the greatest threat to the planet, far away more so than climate change,science keeps interfering instead of letting nature take it's course, it may be an unpalatable truth but the planet cannot sustain this growth of human population, it's a fact , I have stated this before and just got loads of moronic thumbs down

  5. The human population is doubling approximately every 50 years.

    1900 1.5Bn

    1960 3.0Bn

    2000 6.0Bn

    2007 6.7Bn

    2050 9.1Bn (UN. almost certainly an underestimate)

    We are on track for an extra billion people for just the present decade.

    In the discipline of population dynamics, there are three main density dependant factors that control populations

    1. Starvation

    2. Disease

    3. Predation (war and crime for humans)

    Unless we find some equitable solution to population control, nature will do it for using the above factors,

  6. yes

    but the really worrying thing is that it is the poorest nations increasing their populations most rapidly

    unless they realise that it is not a good thing to have more children than they can suport this trend will continue

    many of the least well educated or socially aware people in the UK are producing large families with no intention of supporting them

    and while people think that the UK is a soft touch for handouts people will move here with their third world mentalities and will increase the population of the UK beyond a sensible level

    i know of families with seven or eight children who are having a child a year and have no intention of stopping .....

  7. It's going to be very hard to do anything about it unless the POPE gets with the 21st century and finally tells Catholics they can use contraception. Millions born into poverty and sickness every year because they are told that it is sinful to control their family size - nightmare!! Hx

    Edit: Ladywood is kinda right... but it's amazing how his view would change if it was his kids being culled by 'nature'!

  8. the biggest danger on the planet is the  amount of desire (greed and control) required to guiltlessly allow governments and/or individuals in starving countries to burn crops or, the soft approach; Quotas to keep up the price.

    i am a firm believer in political assasination. That would keep the f---ers dancing!

  9. No. I don't buy the whole overpopulation thing. We have all the resources on this planet we need to sustain many billions of people if we share them more equally. It's not so much overpopulation we should be worried about, but underdevelopment. Japan is a perfect example. Look how many people are living in an extremely small area, yet they have one of the highest standards of living in the world. Also notice how population is unevenly distributed. Over half of the world lives in cities. Most live near an ocean. The point is what we consider overpopulation is not the same thing as what actually is.

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