
Does this pregancy mean that Sarah Palin DIDN'T manage to balance work/life?

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Was Sarah Palin irresponsible taking on her political ambitions with five children to look after.

Does this show that you cannot balance work/life when you have as many children as this. You have to choose.




  1. No, it means that Sarah's daughter make an unfortunate choice, but thank goodness she's been raised well since she's getting married and keeping (and REALLY wanting) that little baby. I wish her all the love she can find in this world.  

  2. First, to an answerer above, Palin's husband is not a stay at home.

    It just means that Republicans only care about everyone else's family values instead of their own.

  3. You know I'm an Obama supporter, however this still doesn't give me the right to put Sarah Palin down just because her daughter got pregnant. It also doesn't mean she is a bad mother, nor does it mean she will make a bad VP if McCain is elected. ALL familys have issues, wether it be drugs, alcohol, curfew, etc. etc.

    When and where did God give the people the right to judge another? Last I knew he didn't and this is where rumors/gossip starts.

    Why don't you try giving her a chance before reading into the minor things in her life and making a huge deal about it. So her 17yr old is preg. She's not the first 17yr old and won't be the last to get preg at that age. It's not like she pushed the button to set of the atomic bomb or approve weapons of mass destruction. Come on people, she is a mother of 5 children and has more going for her then most of us will ever see. Why does that make her such a bad person? IT DOESN'T

    Why don't some of you read back into some history at our old presidents and look at the age of their children getting pregnant. It wasn't an issue then and shouldn't be now. If she doesn't make a good VP then she will be impeached but not because her daughter is pregnant. Seriously people, you think she is going to make a bad VP just because her almost adult daughter (almost 18 is pregnant). Looks like some of you don't even looks at the real facts our world is going through. You people have the internet obviously cause your on yahoo answers. Why don't you try Googling world crisis. I bet you won't find Sarah's name there but instead you will find more important things to consider and worry about and then when you do, the debates will make more sense to you...........................

  4. You know what?  She may be a very good mother, but you just can't control everything your kids do.  You teach them what's right and what's wrong and to a point you can keep them under your thumb, but after that they make their own decisions.

  5. Yep.  While mom and dad are at work, the kids are obviously playing around.

    At least it wasn't drugs, I guess.  

  6. Some people are capable of balancing their work and home just fine, but Sarah Palin probably can't, and didn't.  

  7. True.

    She needs to sacrifice her desire to be a CELEBRITY and do the RIGHT thing and retire from this race.

  8. go ahead and call all parents of daughters that got pregnant in their teens " bad parents"

    See how that works for you.

    And to think you Obama supporters have the balls to call yourself " more educated"

  9. I would say yes because it is hard enough to handle it working a normal job.  But then again they probably have a nanny at the house anyways so she is probably never there anyways so how can you honestly have good morals from the children if the parents aren't there to guide them?  

    True this should not matter in an election but it does if everything you stand for counteracts this.... People are MORE upset from a hypocritical stand point more than anything. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH conservatives!!!

    I feel sorry for the the daughter because she is being forced to marry the guy because of her mom's political reasons now.  The boy will be looked into eventually too before long, sucks for him.

    You notice how most preacher, officer, or government official's children are always the worse.

  10. it would appear so

  11. No, it means that one of Sarah Palins kids didn't listen to her. And you people act like this never happened before. Get off it. Most of us live in glass houses, and sometimes we forget to draw the drapes. If you don't like her, then don't vote for her. Just don't keep posting this drivel.

  12. Her husband is a stay at home dad.

    Are you trying to say that all women should stay at home?  I wonder what Obama would say to that...

    By the way, she supported her daughter in keeping the child, knowing full well it what other conservative may think and knowing it could damage her political career.  Now what does that say about her?

  13. Her 17 year old daughter is Pregnant.  She can't even look after her own children.  Bad choice for McCain

  14. Would you be asking this question if it was the father who had political ambitions?  Tonly Blair had a large family and both parent's worked when he was PM - and he left his kids in the care of the nanny.  Gorden Brown has a disabled child, Margaret Thatcher had kids.  There is a stay at home father so there was someone to take care of the kids.  These things happen within the best of families.  She is 17 - one year older than the legal age to marry (with parental consent) in the UK and is marrying the dad.  Obama's mum was only 18 when he was born.  This is pure sexism and absolutely pathetic in the 21st century.

    This baby is going to have a loving, caring family around it and is far better off than many babies in the USA and UK.  Surely there are more important things to consider when chosing whether to vote for a candidate than a 17 year old who made a mistake?   On the other hand, this girl is mature enough, well educated and mature enough to have the child rather than abort it.  I think the mum has plenty to be proud about.

  15. We all try to do our best with our children, but sometimes it isn't enough. They make choices and mistakes out of our control. There is a limit how much you can blame the mistakes of the child on the parent.

    So Sarah Palin's 17 year old unmarried daughter is pregnant. So what?

    I think the McCain / Palin ticket would be a backward step for the US, and just continue the Bush legacy, but let's hope that the US voters come to this conclusion based on their political ideas, and not from nonsense like this.

    Does anyone else despair of the whole US democratic process? It seems to be fought on the level of "Obama's a Muslim terrorist", "McCain's senile", "Palin's corrupt / hormonal / a bad mother".

    Please, Americans! You are electing a president which will have an effect on all of us. Try to decide based on proper issues.

  16. Well, I think that you can not be the best at both...either work or family is going to lack more than the other when trying to do both really well.  In this case, it seems like her work is coming out on top vs family.  I commend her for attempting to do both...everyone makes "mistakes"...but I feel that her mistake is not her child having the baby, but how she is handling the pregnancy now.  Her daughter will now have to deal with a baby, and the criticism of our whole country because her mother chooses to advance her career more.

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