
Does this qualify as a pre-exisiting condition?

by Guest56056  |  earlier

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I recently got medical insurance and have not had a physical in years. If the doctors find something and I need treatment, will this be considered a pre-exisiting condition? How do I know that I will be covered? When I had originally filled out the insurance application, and was asked if I had a pre-exisiting condition, I answered no, because I did not know of any. Please help.





  1. No. As long as there is no medical record anywhere, they will check, then it is assumed it is not pre-existing. In these cases ignorance is bliss. Keep your fingers crossed for the medical. Maybe it would be better to apply for insurance with a company who don't require a check up

  2. No, if it has not been diagnosed before the insurance policy became effective, it isn't "pre-existing".

  3. An insurance company will NOT cover you until they receieve your physical results.  So, if a condition is discovered during your initial physical for insurance, then yes, it is considered to be a pre-existing condition.  It doesnt matter if you are not aware that there is a medical problem when you applied because they wont agree to start coverage until the results of your physical are in anyway.

  4. Depends on the policy.  Most would cover it because they're asking you about symptoms, diagnosis or treatment.  BUT, some policies look at when the condition manifested and if that was prior to the policy it would be.

    Also, it's a grey area because if you make a claim in the first couple months that you have a policy they're naturally going to be suspicious.

    I had someone buy a policy off my site and I got a call the next day verifying benefits from a mental health facility.......uh yeah, that's not going to be covered.

  5. No - if you have never been diagnosed with anything in the past - it would not be considered pre-existing if they should find someething now ( hopefully not )


  6. No if you don't know you have it (whatever it is) it is new.

    Many insurance companies grand father conditions in anyway as long as they do not pay this first month.  So if you have some kind of problem  that does not need treatment for a month (you had a remission) when  it is re-diagnosed it is covered.

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