
Does this "essay" make sense to you? it's short!!!?

by  |  earlier

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can you tell me what you think of it? constructive criticism is appreciated!




  1. good but hard to understand i like the similies and metaphors though! :)

  2. it's kind of silly.

  3. thats some cool writing young i was reading this i was thinking of that song,dispite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage.but your right,im right,thats why i live out of a suitcase.

  4. It would be nice if everyone could walk away from all their probelms and do as they wish. As far as I know until we are not on earth anymore each of us will have to except things we do not care for. You seem pretty young and have many more years to get sick of things. Don't box yourself in. You may miss out on alot of things you don't want to do anymore. Boredom will not be allowed to expand and how is your whole life going to suck? On the otherhand you will also miss out on alot of fun, good friends and cheer. It's worth it in the long run. You cann't have it all. It's alot of fun to try.

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