
Does this require medical attention?

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I got badly sunburned and I have about 9 big blisters over my chest and shoulders, with literally baker dozens of smaller ones forming into each other.

Should I seek medical attention immediately, or can I just use some Aloe spray and hope for a miracle?




  1. I don't think that it requires medical attention at the time, but if you notice any red streaks or pus on the sunburned area, or start to feel sick, you should call your doctor (the need for emergency treatment is highly unlikely). Or, if you'd like, make an appointment to see your doctor. He or she may be able to prescribe you a prescription for a topical treatment that is stronger than something you might find on a drugstore shelf. As for now, trim off the dead skin with scissors and apply an antibiotic ointment (like bacitactrin). Wash off the ointment and reapply twice a day for three days. Also make sure to take cold showers, moisturize the area that isn't blistered, and take Advil if you're in pain. The sunburn should heal up completely within a few weeks. I hope I helped you! :)

  2. Either keep using your aloe spray ... or you could buy some natural yoghurt keep in the fridge so nice and cold, slather loads over your blisters and leave on until gets warm, shower off and repeat as often as you like.  It gives wonderful feeling of relief whilst your body is healing.

  3. yes immediately fast you might have a big problem at last so go to the doctor

  4. I would go see a dermatologist immediately!

    I had this problem although it sounds like yours is much more severe than mine and I ended up almost having to have them pulled off surgically.

    It hurt so bad.

    I recommend you do, because if left untreated properly, it may hurt you even more. Also, they may be able to prescribe you something to lessen the pain.

    :D Good luck!

  5. go to your doctors/gp DO NOT POP THEM

    hope it helps



  6. yup

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