
Does this seem desperate? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

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I just had a phone interview at 1.30 PM today. I want to send the Thank You e-mail now. I will send Thank you letter tomorrow.

Good or Bad?




  1. I think it's excellent. Ensure that all of your written communication is professional and spell-checked. Use proper salutations, like Dear Sir, and end with Yours Sincerely. Be respectful, say "thank you" and remind them about how excited you are by the possibility of this position, and how much you look forward to talking with them again, and if they have any questions, they should not hesitate to contact you.

    Also, if they asked for references, be sure to include their information (and check with your references that this is ok and let them know to expect a call).

    Good luck!

  2. My take on this one is that they may not even see the email, brush it off as not as significant as the letter, and honestly, who is really impacted by an email, regardless of the motive, unless it is filled with negative information? I just don't believe that most people are impressed by digital communication. Better yet, forget the email. In addition, hand write the letter, if your handwriting is not bad. And most importantly, be sincere. This shows your personal side, the effort it took, the postage, etc. Figure that in this computer crazed world, everyone probably sends an email or a business letter style thank you note. Stand out by being unique.

  3. Forget the email.

    Send the thank you letter now.

  4. this is all good

  5. This is a great idea as long as you don't try to suck up in the letter. Just show that you are being polite and try to keep it brief.

    I'm not sure if you're wanting to sent an e-mail and a letter, but I suggest that you choose one or the other, maybe a letter is best.

  6. I would say good. Always show interest and appreciation for time and consideration. If you allow time to go by they may lose your name in the shuffle.Best to keep them noticing. Squeaky door kinda thing.

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