
Does this seem like a good deal for an airsoft gun?

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I was thinking of getting a JG MP5 Full Metal Body with a Metal Gear box.

It has 390-410 fps with .2's and it seems like a very good deal

For $202 I can get the gun, battery and charger, a 3x9-32 scope, and 4000 .2 BB's.

I was also wondering if getting a scope for an airsoft gun was a good idea. I'd be doing CQB and medium-ish range (60-90 feet) with this gun. If its not worth it I'd save $25.




  1. Excellent gun surprisingly i have the similar one but mine is and sd6 with extendable stock and silencer itts worth the money. But I wouldnt get the scope mine works great without it. and real mp5's dont have them so theirs not really a point. Plus you are going to be cqb and medium no point you will figure out where they hit at that speed mine goes 360 and i can tell so you will defiantely be able too. Hope you like it!

  2. great deal say 150 even though its worth 300 and you would be ripping him off with 202 or 150 but definately get a scope it makes it easier when beyaches are hiding.

  3. Not worth the scope. I play those ranges with iron sights. Looks like a good gun, but not sure it's worth $200. In my opinion, no airsoft is worth that much, unless you're a pro. But looks good.

  4. Scopes are pretty useless for the most part.  A lot of people use red dot sights, but not magnification.  Get an extra mag if anything.

    this comes with a cheap red dot

    code: FREESHIP

    hit is a good site though.  I don't know why they are saying it is a version 3 box though.  That is the G36 box.  If you are thinking 3 is better than 2 it is just a different shape.  My M14 has a version 7, doesn't make it better, just makes it fit.

    By the way, I have a $65 3x9 scope.  It sits on my desk.

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