
Does this seem like a mental break down?

by  |  earlier

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okay yesterday i had a great day at school and i got home and called my best friend who moved away in 8th grade we talked for a little while and then i went into a episode of ranting and raving until i built a phobia of my high school in my head it was to the point where i couldn't touch my books because they belonged to the school i cried all night and all morning because i was afraid of going to school now i am faced with going to school tomorrow what should i do i do not wanna go back deadly scared of the school now and the people in it.... i had to take every one off my top friends that goes to my school because i was scared to get on my page and see them on myspace




  1. Wow, um, yeah I would say that is a huge mental break down.  

  2. I don't think it's a phobia. I do, however, thinks it's an anxiety attack. School is stressful as is. If you still have these anxiety attacks after a week or two it's time to talk to a counselor. Many kids have anxiety problems when they go back to school so you're not alone. Keep your head high, take a deep breath and let it out slowly, then walk into the school breath deep again to clear your head, and then think "you know what? Today's going to be a good day."

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