
Does this seem odd to anyone else?

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0 LIKES UnLike I had a docs appt today (36 w 3 days) and it wasnt my usual doctor. He did all the usual stuff..BP, measurements, fetal heartbeat, etc. Then was feeling around trying to find out if baby was head down, he said he wasnt sure and wants to send me for a ultrasound. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago, checking for the same thing and baby was head down then...then he proceeds to leave the room without doing an internal. Seems odd that he didnt do an internal, considering if I am dilating or effacing and baby is not head down, might that not be a problem?? and from what I've learned from you wonderful people here, is that a second baby (which this is for me) can sometimes flip around alot until right near the end, or not engage until just struck me as....maybe not as thorough an exam as it should have been...or maybe its just me...any thoughts?




  1. all doctors are different and some docs don't start to do the internal exams until 37 weeks or later and there shouldn't be a problem since it is your second baby and like you said they do tend to not move down until right before birth did you have any concerns that you made him aware of? maybe the internal wasn't routine in his practice or maybe he was waiting for you to be full term before doing an internal?its ok to dilate and baby still be breech he can flip around right before arrival good luck mommy that's my best thoughts on it  

  2. some docs dont check u for dilation every week unless u ask. My doc checked me at my 36 week appt. then my 39 week appt. only because i asked. Then at 40 weeks they checked because i was due to have the baby. The U/S should help a little bit. My doc never wanted to give me anymore then the necessary ones at the beginning of pregnancy and at 20 weeks. So, maybe he wants to see what the u/s shows until he checks for the usual dilation....good luck btw

  3. unless the doctor mentioned something i wouldnt worry to muc. and if you cant stop thinking about it i would just schedual another appointment.

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