
Does this seem real to you ? UFO on mobile?

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Caught on a mobile phone as it buzzed a commercial flight by one of the passengers.

From what I see, this is a left hand side seat - looking out to the left. Front of plane is to the right of the window.




  1. Fake or not it is better than 99% of UFO vids out there, I'd like imagine it could be real, i just don't understand why it has to be a saucer, you'd think that anyone able to create such a vehicle would put a little more effort and creativity into the design : P

  2. I'm a flight attendant, so I fly all the time.

    At 30,000 + feet up in the air, the sky will look like that, regardless of what the weather is down below.

    I would say that if there were a UFO flying to side of the jet, there would have been more people using cell phones and cameras to record the activity.

    Then of course, the Captain would have come over the PA system telling everyone to shut off their cell phones.

    I'd have to say it's fake.

  3. I would like to say yes but it could definitely be fabricated. It's so low quality that they could have edited it in any way and the plane doesn't even appear to be in motion, and the sky behind doesn't look like a sky. The saucer also appears to be moving as if it were tied to a string.  

  4. Average New World Order craft

  5. i believe in paranormal stuffs but this does not seem like a UFO to me.

  6. Real and a very good one at that. -one of theirs...

  7. Frankly, I think governments all over the world had better start coming clean when it comes to UFO experiences. There have been too many instances where entire crowds of onlookers have seen unexplainable sights. And, in typical "cloak and dagger" fashion, local and regional authorities have raced to the scene(s) to concoct some form of cover up. In many instances they even attempt to discredit witnesses altogether. I don't believe people would panic in the streets the way government officials fear. I guess time will reveal all truths.

  8. Yes that looks very real. Ive seen UFOs but I have never seen Spaceships. This man named Prophet Yahweh can summon spaceships in the name of Yahweh it so cool.

  9. Wow, how bad would you freak out if this were to actually happen? Planes are already scary enough.

    My basic rule of thumb is not to believe anything from YouTube. I do not know, I heard so much about pilots seeing **** in flight.

  10. That footage probably came from the vaults of Radio City in the 1950's about the time of the famous movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still"

    Check it out.

    The CG is good though, but they forgot the slip stream.  

  11. It could be. Last full moon I was out with a group of friends and someone caught something on their mobile. the weird thing was, it was clearly visible on the mobile, but not in the sky. I saw it on her mobile as she filmed it, and glanced back and forth from the mobile to the sky, yet it wasn't visible in the sky.

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