
Does this seem realistic to you ?

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  1. Reincarnation doesn't exist, except in the capacity of molecules being reused by other organisms after a corpse is eaten or decomposed.

  2. No it does not seem realistic to me.  I have no way to verify one way or the other, but let's just assume the mother is providing an accurate portrayal of the events.

    She can't be 100% sure the child never saw footage of the towers falling.

    Children are not in complete control of their language.  They can say one thing meaning another and they can use shorthand to say something that is too complicated for them to communicate.  "I drive car" is a good example.  This phrase could mean many things, including nothing.

    The child said, "That's my home!"  Did he live in the towers?

    The mother has never seen her child close his eyes tight?  I seriously doubt that.

    He was never taught or exposed to the phrase, "Help me"?  I seriously doubt that.

    She could have unconsciously guided her child's responses.  She will no doubt gently lead him into the direction that his name was Nick in a past life and that he died in the WTC collapse.

    It seems like the mother is looking to reinforce her belief in past lives.  She doesn't say, "What could this mean?" she says, "I think I have a 9/11 baby."  She's cherrypicking data that support her conclusion.  Of course she was fully encouraged by those on the forum.  All but maybe one made any attempt to temper her enthusiasm.  Many more just went out of their way to provide circumstantial evidence.

    This reminds me of the preposterous "Indigo Child" stuff.  I think she just needs to get out of the house and away from the kids before she loses her mind completely.

  3. Everything is possible in this universe and in this comes from  the earth, the skies....the waters and yes,the precious voices of the young.we have always been here and even if there is only a grain of sand left of this planet,or a shimmer of light,we will always listen..don't just could be amazed at  whats teaching you? Blessed be!

  4. No, it really doesn't. It's just a little too easy to give a child some info and coaching. What's more likely -- a child's imagination at work or a past life?

  5. Well thats just as weird as it gets.  Reincarnation people have lots of this stuff on record.  India is big on these stories.  It's the first 9/11 story I've heard of.

  6. It doesn't seem realistic (or probable) but I don't dismiss it as being impossible. Unfortunately cases like this largely go uninvestigated as skeptics don't think investigating is worth their time and parapsychologist have very limited resource. Perhaps some amateur paranormal group will stop chasing ghost long enough to at least go record what they can about this case but I doubt it.

  7. I can believe the child said all that, but not for the reasons the mother thinks. I'm actually very open-minded in general about the paranormal, but I believe most "paranormal" things have a logical explanation, and I don't believe in reincarnation. In this case, the mother says she knows everything the child watches and does; I'm sure she probably lets him watch some kind of children's programming on tv sometimes. Everything he said could easily have been learned on some of those shows, as I've seen plenty of such talk in things my child watches. He could easily be putting bits and pieces of things he has heard together.

  8. No.

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