
Does this seem too soon for all this change ?

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me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year and just over three month, im 16 and hes 19.. we both want to get married

but hes in college and im only in grade 11

i was thinking that in two years when hes done school and im done high school we could get married (i'd be 18) and get an apartment together , and maybe even start a family which i really want.

i have a job and so does he so i have money saved up for whatever i plan on doing in the future , or incase something happens..

anyways , bottem line.. is this too soon ?




  1. Yes, honey, it is much too soon. Your best bet is to just, well, see what happens. A lot can change in two years, and you are much too young to be thinking about a family. You need to graduate college before you even think of having an actual family.

    Best of luck!


  2. if you feel ready then no it aint to soon. just dont rush anless you have really thought bout it .

  3. Yes, it is too soon.

    People grow as they get older. You're both still very young. I recommend you wait to get married until you're in your mid-20s, when you'll have a better idea of who you are.

  4. It's never too soon to think about the future. Just remember the future isn't always going the way you want to.

    Things can change, feelings can change, although you might think now that you will live happily ever after.

    Saving up money is never a bad idea though, just in case!

    I suggest you take it very slow. Babies will wait (if you're careful) and trust me, once you have a baby, you will never be the same.

    I understand you dream about a white picket fence, but things are not as peachy as they seem!

    Think about bills, insurance, baby crying, your husband being tired from work expecting food when he comes home, living in a new area, meeting new people, being at home all the time, not being able to go out like you used to.

    I had my baby young, and I can only suggest you enjoy every moment of your youth while you can. I love my son to death, but I definitely would have waited if I knew how much it would change me.

    In spite of what people might say: life is not short, life is loooooong!! You have plenty of time!

  5. Do what you feel is one else cant tell you if it is too soon or not. We dont know really know anything bout you or this guy or your relationship, so who are we to say..

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