
Does this sentance make sense?

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Should I say this:

After spending only a short time on the top of the world, extremely oxygen depleted, he started the long trek down.

...or this:

After spending only a short time on the top of the world, and extremely oxygen depleted, he started the long trek down.




  1. Completely deprived of oxygen, he only had a short time to spend on top of the world before the long trek down.

  2. After spending only a short time on top of the world, he started the long trek down, extremely oxygen depleted.


    Quickly becoming oxygen depleted at the top of the world, he started the long trek down.  

  3. I like the second sentence better. If you use the first one, consider using dashes, as follows:

    After spending only a short time on the top of the world -- extremely oxygen depleted -- he started the long trek down.

  4. the first one

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