
Does this sentence need a question mark?

by  |  earlier

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This may sound stupid but does this sentence need a question mark?:

I was just wondering if the Journals are due on the first day of school or on August 18th < ? or .





  1. You would just need a period. You are making a statement not asking for an answer.

  2. A period is correct.  You are stating something, not asking a question.  &quot;The question mark is mainly used to terminate a direct question.&quot;  (Punctuate It Right! by Harry Shaw)  Even though the speaker in this sentence is not certain about when journals are due (&quot;journals&quot; should not be capitalized by the way), this is not a direct question.

  3. The way you have it now would work with a period because you are stating a thought, but if you wrote &quot;Are the Journals due on the first day of school or on August 18th&quot; you would use a question mark.

  4. No.  It&#039;s a statement.

  5. A Period. It is a statement, so it is a period.  If you said &quot;Are the journals...&quot; then it would be a ?.

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