
Does this short narrative sound realistic?

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I took ecstasy for the first time when I was fifteen. I'd been smoking weed for a couple years and had tried coke right after my fifteenth birthday, so I was used to being ****** up by then. I'd had a pretty terrible sophomore year so far, being in a school full of preppy a******s that I hated and the majority of my friends from out of school. I was pretty pissed off about the whole situation, so for some reason I began a completely physical relationship with a drug dealer who had graduated high school the year I started it. He had been sharing his weed with me for free for about a year at this point, and I soon discovered I had free access to everything else he had as well, including coke and E. The first time I tried E was after I'd snuck out of my house on a weekend night, and it was instantly my new favorite drug. It killed every negative feeling I'd ever had, and included almost no immediate side effects besides teeth grinding. I was able to have s*x with someone who didn't care about me without feeling disgusted with myself (until the next day), and I started sneaking out on school nights to go to my dealer's house and get it. Sometimes, if it was a stronger pill, the high would carry me through the school day and keep me completely apathetic to everything. I had one day where I was so ****** up at school after drinking and taking a couple things at once that I couldn't sit in class and spent the entire day sleeping in the bathroom. Miraculously I managed to keep all my grades above C's, and I finished my sophomore year with straight A's and B's, classmates that thought I was completely crazy, and some very worried administrators.

Over the summer, I switched back to weed, dropped the loser I was s******g and now I only take E when I go to concerts or dancing. I'm not saying E is bad, it makes it easy to become friends with basically anyone and I don't worry about how I look or whether someone likes me when I'm on it, and it's better than alcohol at lowering inhibition. I just don't recommend taking it habitually like I did, so the best point at your life to be rolling is when you're already happy.




  1. Yeah. It reminds be of "Go Tell Alice", but with a diffrent ending. Except for that I though drugs had withdrawl problems. And all drugs are bad.

  2. Yeah, it's totally realistic. If the sleeping in the bathroom part is on X, then it's not possible to sleep on ecstasy. I didn't know if "couple things" meant Ecstasy...

    You got all the effects and things right, I don't think the guy above me has any clue what he's talking about. I do drugs and he is just pulling info out his ***.

  3. It's cliche and unrealistic. How can you keep your grades that high with drugs like that? I know a friend whose almost in the same situation, and he's not anything like this. Also, you can't just SWITCH back to weed. The high you get from E overrides the high you get from pot, and pot doesn't have as good of an effect anymore.

    So no, not really. Also the person telling the narrative is flat, one dimensional. She has no unique qualities.

    Sorry, you wanted crit.

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