
Does this shot have an "urban" look to it?

by Guest59738  |  earlier

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I was thinking of printing this large and hanging it on my wall to go along with the modern/contemporary theme i have going on in my room. Yes i took this, i'm not going to steal anyone's picture lol.




  1. Yes, I think so.

  2. umm..i like it its cool

  3. It has a certain gritty quality. A crop to take off some of the rhs, to leave a square format improves it. Actually, the shot would have worked better in portrait format, but it's a bit late now unless you can go back and reshoot.

  4. kinda. it is an awesome picture though.

  5.'s urban meets transportation. I like it. The spray can is awesome....only I didn't notice it right away. I normally HATE selective color, but I think it would work well in this picture (leaving the spray can in color of course) Spray paint produces it being in color would only make sense.

    Nice job. I think it's great!

  6. yeah its actually really cool. it has like the rustic look to it and the spray paint can makes a point of an urban feeling,.

  7. I think you need to look up the word urban to understand it in the context of art and photography. It lends itself to potentially being urban because of the spray can, but that's about it. Had it been more of a train yard in a city or industrial setting with tagged or graffiti sprayed train cars, you would have an urban look to the photo. As it is, it's just a suggestion, nothing more, really.

  8. not really, if it was a train yard it would be More urban looking and the can was clearly Krylon

  9. yeah, i think ita great picture and dfinitly goes with the urban/contemporary look

    just make sure you use some bright colors or something in your room so it doesn't look too cold

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