
Does this show a bias media or what?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah, its the daily show. I have to watch it after watching all the bullshit on fox, cnn, etc.




  1. the word is 'biasED'.  you have a bias, you are biased.

    the media is biased. john has a bias. his company is biased.  john is biased. i have a bias. i am biased. they have a bias.  they are biased.


  2. There's no genuine commentary on many news shows, just taking a side and arguing it as best they can. It's like a debate club where you can change your position on any given day to make your side look better. Also anything you can say to make the other side look worse is a plus. It's sad that among "news" organizations, only the Daily Show has the balls to call out these political commentators for the staggering piles of bs that they put onto the air.

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