
Does this soud like i have low iron?

by Guest34434  |  earlier

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over the last two months or so i've kinda stopped eating meat, not because i'm a vegeterian but just because i really don't like it. i eat meat if it's in things like pasta, pizza or subway or something but even then i barely eat those foods.

and lately i've been getting nose bleeds atleast daily, i get dizzy when i stand up, can't concerntrate, i'm always tired and i've been getting sick a lot, like glandular feaver etc

i'm going to the doctors on sunday but i was just wondering if anyone knew?

thanksss xox




  1. sounds like you could have a Iron or other vit. diff. hen your doctores draw some blood for a lab you will know for sure.

    But I was having the dame isues as yourself along with a few other. I was sure it was a vit deffiency of some kind and my lab ork confirmed what I was already thinking.  

  2. Yep!  I was iron anemic and had all the same symptoms.  I had to take iron supplements (they make your p**p black) and I was better in 2 months.  Egg yolks and dark leafy veggies have a lot of iron. You can research it real easy.  You can get enough iron without eating meat.

    Bless you and good luck!  :)

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