
Does this sound 'normal' or did my OB completely slack off with my son's delivery??

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My OB went off-call 15 minutes before I went into labor, so my son was delivered by the on-call OB ..

I asked MY Doctor a few times how many stitches I got when my son was born (vaginally) and he told me that the on-call Doctor that delivered my son didn't write that in my chart..

I thought the amount of stitches would have been something he should have mentioned ..?

(I know it was a few because he was sewing me up for about 15 minutes..)

I'm wondering if maybe the Doctor was half asleep when he delivered my son? because my son was born at 4:27 AM and when they went to ask the delivering Doctor a question (about 30 min. after my son's birth) they said he was 'asleep in one of the empty hospital rooms' ...

I'm just curious if the Doctor totally slacked off? Because he did accidentally leave a piece of gauze inside of me (during the epesiotomy) and I passed that in the toilet (when I pee'd) when my son was 3 days old. ..




  1. If they are dissolvable stitches, which they usually are, there is no requirement to chart the number of stitches (if they were not dissolvable then they must chart the # so they'll be sure none are left behind), it is permissable to simply chart the degree of tearing, but usually they do include number.

    As for the gauze, he might have just left it there on purpose to stop bleeding and didn't take the extra time to remove it later, since it was external there was no harm done.

    So I'd say he was cutting corners a bit, probably pretty tired at 4:27 in the morning  (remember on-call shifts can last for as long as 48 hours, so it's no wonder he was sleeping when he had the chance), but he didn't really do anything wrong.

  2. it sounds like he did slack a bit there. leaving something behind could cause alot of damage. i think your really lucky you passed that gauze!

    my doctor told me that i just had 1 big stitch but told my partner that it was about 5 but he did it all in one 'thread' so he could tell me it was one. i think that was more because i produce way too much scar tissue and he was trying to keep me from getting upset about it. i was really worried that i would get a big ugly scar there and s*x would never be the same again...  

  3. If he didn't slack off then he was pretty careless!

  4. It should be documented somewhere. I would request a copy of the records from the hospital.  

  5. Mmm.. sleeping in the hospital is pretty common for OB's. They have a patient in labor, they don't know when she'll be ready but they have to sleep. As far as the gauze... that was careless.  

  6. i definetly think the oncall ob doctor was exhausted.  I work as a nurse in the hospital and often times the oncall doctors are burnt out b/c they cover the entire unit and often other units as well.  They have admissions to do and often times never have time to eat or take a break. Furthermore, alot of the oncall ob doctors at night may be residents or interns (if its a teaching hospital) and they do not have all the experience the staff doctor has.  Ive seen it many times where the doctor falls asleep.  I work nights and often times the doctor on call dosnt answer his phone b/c he's asleep.  Doesnt give the doctor the right to leave a piece of gauze inside you!! You could of gotten an severe infection!!! That is scarey. Also, it should of been documented somewhere in your medical chart of how many stitches were done either by the doctor or nurse.   As a nurse, we are supposed to count the stitches or staples on our patients when we do wound assessments.  Im sure if you aksed to review your medical chart, it would have to be in there. If not, then it would probably be some kind of neglect especially with the gauze left inside.  You were lucky that it came out on its own.  In my personal opinion, i dont think the doctor slacked off, he was probably burnt out or very tired b/c of all the responsiblities they have when covering during the night.  I see it all the time. Then again, you also have very lazy doctors too who do not want to be bothered during the night. Ive seen this too.  The only way you will ever know the truth is if you start your own investigation and make a formal complaint.  Once you make a complaint, the hospital has to follow through and study the situation. Thats what i would do. I would file a complaint and have the hospital start an investigation.  Then from there,  you can decide whether or not you want to see a lawyer.

  7. Wow definately that was slacking off. Did you have a private doctor or someone from the hospital? My Doc came in on a sunday and was with me for 12 hours. I was his only patient that day by chance. He waited with me the whole day and left only after I delivered and I was ok. And he is a busy busy doctor.  

  8. All I can say is Yikes! My OB didn't deliver my daughter but I loved my on call doctor. She was great and documented everything. When my OB did rounds and visited me in the hospital it was as if she was there when I delivered. Everything was documented and I felt like they really had it together.

    If I were you I'd be most upset about the gauze. That's a malpractice issue and you should speak to someone about that. The fact that you received stitches is important but I'm not sure doctors are as concerned with the number as we are.

    As far as your delivering doctor being asleep 30 minutes after delivery...could you blame him? He's on call probably working a 24 hour shift, maybe more. He owes it to his next patient to rest when he can so he doesn't fall asleep during a delivery. They do the best they can and as long as there isn't a patient that needs him in that moment then he should be resting.

    I know it may feel like the doctor dropped the ball and in terms of the gauze I do think he did. Don't get to caught up in all the negativity unless you plan on doing something about it to make a change for the better. All the negativity isn't going to do you or your child any good. Sorry you feel like you got the short end on your delivery and I hope you find the answer you're looking for.  

  9. he probably did slack off! my doctors never even told me how much stitches i got, all i know is they had to put me to sleep in order to stitch me up so i know it was a lot.  

  10. I was in the exact situation! My doctor had to go in for an emergency c-section and I had the on cal doctor deliver me. I also asked how many stitches I had and no one knew. Needlees to say the stitches that the on call doctor put in did not help my tear and I had to go back in. I was VERY VERY upset. In reality I don't think doctors give to flying craps about births. It is sad to say. My on call doctor tried to even threaten me with a c-section because I was talking during my pushes. I think he was slacking

  11. well the gauze thing would freak me out but the day after I gave birth I asked my doctor how many stitches I had to have and he looked at my chart and then told me he couldn't remember so he obviously failed to write it down for whatever reason. It felt like he was stitching me forever too but i really think I only had like 3 or 4 because I looked with a mirror and could see a few. I seriously doubt he was half asleep while delivering but there is no doubt that he was tired. Probably way over worked because most on call doctors work 48 hour shifts with like only 2 or 3 hours of sleep. Scary I know.

  12. i agree w/ laura b

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