
Does this sound about right?

by Guest66534  |  earlier

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My periods are usually 30/31 days but this month strangely i only had a 26day cycle?! I have been ttc for a long time now and this month have decided to take a bit more of a relaxed approach to it! Anyway, i started my period on Sunday 24th and was wondering if i have s*x on the following dates: 4th, 6th &7th (weekend, lol!) 9th and 10th, will i have covered all possibly fertile days if i have between a 26-31 day cycle? Please advise! Thanks in advance xx




  1. it sounds like you will be covering all of your fertile days because it satrts in between your cycles. but just dont think about it as much just have fun oh and have s*x every other day so you will have alot of sperm in you. and by doing that youll definetly have lots of chances on getting pregnant good luck and baby dust to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  2. If you are a little bit irregular, I'd chart your fertility signs so you know when to have s*x.  Those days sound good for a 26 day cycle, but what if your next one is 32 days and you don't ovulate until day 16/17?  Then those days wouldn't work ~ although it'd be fun anyway.  :-)

    I highly recommend Toni Weschler's Taking Charge of Your Fertility if you do not already own it.  This book, along with data from your charting, can provide you with valuable information that can help you conceive a child (or pinpoint why you might be having trouble).  ivillage and both haver great charting software.  :-)

    ::Baby Dust to you::

  3. Having s*x every other day from Sept 2 to Sept 12 will cover your fertile period.  If you REALLY want to cover it try every other day from Aug 31 to Sept 15.  

    Good luck to you!

    In general, the best way to cover your fertile time is every other day from cycle day 10 - 20.  

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