
Does this sound any good??

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Please dont be rude. You can say it does not sound good in a nice way. Vegetarians and vegan would be more likely to know.

Kind of like a hamburger. Ive seen a lot of recipes using black beans for the base. I mixed mashed black beans, steak sauce, dehydrated onion, and garlic seasoning.

How would I cook this? We usually us a Geoge Foreman, but I dont know if it will sick together.

What should I put on it after I cook it?




  1. Kinda sounds good actually and I am not even vegan or

  2. For me, not good I don't like beans. Haha.

    But if I DID like beans, it would be terrific. It sounds like a good mixture to me. I would imagine it would work fine on a George Foreman. If not, try frying it in a pan. If you are worried about it not sticking together, add a bit of egg to the mixture (If you're not vegan that is!), also... bread crumbs could help!

    Oh, and after you cook it... top it with more steak sauce and a nice plump tomato w/ some lettuce... mmm. Or Italian dressing maybe? Almost anything would work.

    EDIT: Sure you could add egg and remix it! I do it all the time when I forget to add the egg the first time.

  3. Getting the right amount of binder is the hard part. You will get the feel of how much is needed after you have made a few more. I've also found that the Foreman grill is great for the store bought veggie burgers, but the home made ones tend to fall apart on it. I usually fry my home made ones in a frying pan with a little olive oil.

  4. You need a binder, such as a flax seed slurry or something to hold the burger together.  Also, if you aren't using eggs, it's always good to refrigerate your patties for an hour or so to give them time to "set."  Bu that does sound interesting.  Let us know how it turns out.

  5. That sounds pretty good, but when I make bean burgers; I

    1. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a pan and add chopped garlic/onion and cook til brown.

    2. Add in 1 tbsp of flour and dried parsley, chili powder, and paprika. (pepper - optional)

    3. Mash the beans, season with the spices/herbs listed above and add in onion mixture.

    4. Shape the mixture into burgers and fry in a tbsp of oil til brown on both sides.

    I sometimes use white beans for these, but black beans work good too.

    If you already have it in the fridge, than I think it will be fine. If it doesnt stick enough, egg is ok to use.

  6. Sounds yummy :-P Just add an egg or a little corn starch to help keep it together. I'd add some bread crumbs too.

    You can pan fry them too, or BBQ using a veggie BBQ screen.

    My George Foreman takes about 6 to 8 minutes to cook one, but It will differ depending on how big you make them and how well done you want them. Remember to oil the grill since veggie burgers don't have much fat in them.

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