
Does this sound good/bad? which 1?

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This is from Lord of the Flies by William Golding..

The Beast within everybody is another theme I have chosen. Golding is asserting that everyone has some evil in them no matter who they are. Especially on this island the boys act very savage like and are beasts even if some do not realize. The only boy who actually realizes the situation is Simon. He believes that the Beast was probably just them.

Does this sound okay? Its this paragraph for my homework. All the comments will be great :) thanks




  1. it sounds great, only im not sure about the last sentence. probably just who? if you mean the whole group apart from Simon, it might be best to state this so that the reader is sure whom you mean.

  2. it's pretty good, i've had to read the same book for school too.

  3. Heres an edited version:

    The Beast within everybody is another theme I will explore. Golding asserts that everyone has a certain degree of evil in them despite their identities. This is particularly true on the island where the boys behave like savages and are in their manner beast-like without having realized it. The only boy who does realize the situation is Simon. He comes to the understanding that the Beast is probably a figment of their selves.

    Oh and if you're going to use my refined version at least let me know...much more polite.

  4. yea thats pretty basic, if you are in an honors class they will probably want more. i had to study that last year, it was alright.

  5. Wow, that has got to be the most well written paragraph. What grade are you in? Do you plan on being a writer?  

  6. Yeah that's basically the standard theme in the book.  

    This is how I would answer that same question:  

    What's the author asserting to readers about human nature?

    -   The author was  implying to his readers that human nature, in it's raw, and natural form, is very brutal and savagery.  

    How is this theme illustrated or implied?

    -  This theme is illustrated through the brutality of Jack and his self-created "gang" of islanders, and can be strongly associated with the death of Piggy, and the ostracism of their original leader.

    That got me an A last year! =)  

    Good luck, just try not to plagiarize my answer. lol

  7. A little skimpy.

    It says: "How is this theme illustrated or implied?"

    So show several examples of "illustrated or implied."

    More meat and potato's!

    Best regards

  8. dfg

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