
Does this sound like Aspergers?

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We just got home from the doctor, who said our son may have

Aspergers, after 4 years of several other labels. I did look up a

little bit of info about it, but tell me what you think...

Kevin was running at 7 months, never crawled, never really walked.

But up until he was about 4 he was constantly falling, which we used

to comment on all the time, but didn't really think much of it. He

has always been a talker, kind of like a walking encyclopedia. He

gets preoccupied with one thing and sticks with it (such as he can

tell you EVERY Mortal Kombat person, all their stats, which version

they were in, their special moves, weight, height, et cetera) and he

loves doing research online. He will often walk up to someone and

start a conversation with them about his preoccupation of the year,

even though they aren't paying any attention to him. I usually try

to redirect him when he does that.

He will get one thing in his head and that is the only thing that

will matter to him for hours. If you ask him what the weather is

like, even though we just came in from shopping a few minutes before,

he will have to step onto the patio and analyze the current

conditions. He can't take a joke, like if you tell him to do

something and he said, "Who, me" and you answer "The man in the

moon", he will honestly think you mean the man in the moon. Silly, I

know, but that's Kevin. He will tell me things that I said to him

YEARS ago ("You said you'd take me to that store") and still expect

me to do it, even though my husband ended up taking him to that

store, not me. He has no friends. He doesn't want friends. He

keeps track of days... like it is 150 days until this, it is 149 days

until this, 148 days... without looking at a calendar.

There are so many odd things about him that we never really thought

about much. Just curious to see what other moms think?




  1. He sounds like me! But I'm a dyspraxic.  

  2. I'm not a doctor but I taught life skills to lots of kids on the spectrum and this definitely sounds like asperger's to me.  He sounds like he is incredibly bright with an almost unreal memory but he seems to lack social skills.   If you can get him some professional help with the social skills I think he is going to be very successful in life.   He sounds very determined and motivated.  I wish him the best of luck.  

  3. he sounds very bright to me. maybe he does have it but he sounds so bright  

  4. It sounds very much like Aspergers to me. All of the symptoms you describe are common in Autistic Spectrum disorders (ASD, sometimes called "Pervasive Developmental Disorder" or PDD) and the fact that he seems intelligent, is able to function reasonably well in the world, and did not have delayed language development suggests that it would be Aspergers rather than "full blown" Autism.

    If the diagnosis is correct, there's no need to worry, loads of people with Aspergers go on to have very successful lives and can "fit in" well with society & it's expectations, plus there are lots of things you can do to help get him to the point where the Aspergers isn't much of an issue. Your doctor will be able to point you in the direction of sources of support and advice, and there are some great books and websites out there on Aspergers and Autistic Spectrum disorders in general. Find out as much information about it as possible and you'll find it much easier to support & understand him, to find ways to nurture his talents and help him overcome some of the things he finds more challenging.

    It sounds like you're already doing a great job; keep on being the supportive and accepting parents you seem to be, learn all you can about what makes him tick and I'm sure he'll grow up to be a happy, independent and successful adult.

  5. Why is he going into fourth grade at age 7???

    Anyway, yes, this sounds EXACTLY like Asperger's. And you will have a roller-coaster with him. He's fun and sweet and silly but can be inflexible and hard to deal with. Congratulations and I'm sorry at the same time.

    Sometimes it takes a while to definitively diagnose Asperger's but once you do it is kind of an, "Oooohhhh. I get it, " moment.

    I guess the main thing is you may need to get him some real social skills training through the school or some other agency. It seems stupid to have others teach your child social skills, but quite honestly it is something they have to be taught by an impartial third party.

    Email me any time if you have more questions.

  6. I'm not a doctor but this sounds EXACTLY like aspergers. Especially being stuck on one topic and not realizing that other people are bored by it. If he was still falling at age 4 he might also have some sensory integration issues which is common with kids on the autism spectrum. If you look into sensory integration you might find a few other quirks that suddenly make sense. 'The Out of Sync Child' is a great book about sensory integration dysfunction and I also really like this site... It has tons of info about autism, adhd, etc. Best of luck! =]

  7. Honastly, i think he has it.

    I was diagonsed with it and have noticed that i enjoy things that are involved routinally(sp). I had a very hard time making freinds and such, but you never know...

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