
Does this sound like a contraction to you...??

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I just got a really intense menstrual-like cramp in my lower tummy and my whole tummy tightened for about 30-40 seconds, It wasnt like the braxton hicks I have been getting for the past 6 weeks or so, It was a little bit painful this time but not too bad but also Im generally crampy so its a bit tricky to define it clearly. Im so sick of being pregnant at this point (Im 40 weeks + 1 day)! I am waiting to see if I get another one, but it has been about 30 minutes since the last one so Im starting to get a little disheartened : (

I think I am going crazy, I just want something to happen!



NO CONTRACTIONS (That I know of)

Did your first contraction feel like what I described? If not what did your first contraction feel like?

And how far apart were they?

Thanks : ) (I asked in this section because obviously most of you women have children- Have been through childbirth)




  1. Hi, sounds as though u r getting there...try cleaning or having a nice relaxing bath...when we r ready 2 give birth we all have the urge 2 clean or do something really strenuous, but NOT 2 heavy or dangerous....keep active & all should happen...Gl with the birth...x

  2. Go take a warm shower, and a long walk. It may be the start of contractions, and hose two activities will help the contractions move along. Don't worry about the water breaking. The water doesn't need to break in order for it to be considered real contractions. I had real labor (none of them induced) without my water breaking all 3 pregnancies. All 3 times they had to break my water for me, after I was dilated to 10. so anything goes

  3. It sounds like one. My contractions started at like 45 minutes apart and then were an hour apart. It probably is a contraction.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  4. the way you distinguish braxton hicks from contractions is with BH you can change your position or walk and they will go away. with a real contraction that doesn't happen. try and starting writing them down if it continues to happen.try and walk a lot today. i bet you are just of luck to you

  5. Thats what it sounds like to me.

  6. It does sound as if you had a contraction. What you described sounds like how my contractions felt. You might be in an early stage of labor.


  7. All women are different. It might be the very beginning of them. Just monitor yourself and pray for the best.. Good luck!! I am at 37 weeks and counting. I feel you pain!!

  8. I just gave birth on sunday, i was in labour since friday night.

    it sounds like what i went through. On friday i was feeling this tightening sesation, and period like cramps. I also had a huge nausea spell...

    I started loosing my plug that night, and it kept comming until the baby was here.

    On friday nothing particular made me think i was in early labour, my "contractions" (i wasnt even sure if they were contractions because they were so mild and random- now i know they were contractions) werent equally apart. I didnt even get some in an hour or anything. they were completely random and on and off.

    Just prepare yourself. I think its your body getting itself ready. And it'll need to !! lol

    i personally think if your anything like me, by tomorrow night you'll be in full blown labour.

    Goodluck and enjoy your baby! The countdown is on.

    Ps. Dont feel bad about the mucus and water. They had to break my water, only a certain amount of women have theyre water break on their own.  

  9. sit on the couch... sit back and relax.... watch your belly... it's soft, wide and pliable, yes?... if it's a contraction, the whole thing will tense up, stand up tighter and 'lift' a little.... sit there and watch for a while... enjoy the way your body works!!.. it's interesting... don't be frightened, be amazed!!!.... sounds like you're on your way!!... happy baby delivery!!!!

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