
Does this sound like a eating disorder?

by Guest65123  |  earlier

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im a 16 yr old male and i think i might have a eating disorder i dont throw up or starve myself i just can stop myself from eating so much i dont know when im hungr or when im full sometimes i eat so much that i caan move seriously and i want to stop doing this it is causeing me to have extreme heartburn and irregular bowle movements can someone give me some addvice on this and how i can try to control it and please no dumb s*&#ts that just say stop eating serious answers only please




  1. Yes kiddo, it is an eating disorder.

    You really need to have a talk with your doctor to refer you to counseling and a Nutritionist.

    Please get yourself some help... and good luck!

  2. Just force yourself to eat smaller, healthier meals every three hours. (this is how long it takes your stomach to empty) Our bodies are not designed to eat overly-large quantities of food at once anyway. Just stick to "grazing" and this will hopefully solve your problems. If not, maybe you should see a doctor and get a professional opinion.

  3. At 16 you are still growing so you will eat more during growth periods. There are a lot of other reasons why we go through periods of eating too much food. Some medications will cause this, so will being stressed out or even being just plain bored. Looking for some form of comfort will also make us eat when we don't really need it. If you are worried please talk to your Doctor even if it is only to relief your own mind that all is O.k. with you.

  4. Depending on how much you're eating, it could be binge eating disorder or compulsive overeating. I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor, as any prolonged strain on your digestive system is definitely not healthy and could lead to other more serious problems.

    More details here:

    Good luck

  5. mr. parker, you need to see a doctor.  go have and upper g.i., try your family doctor and for God's sake please tell your mother/father what is going on.  

    you may be native american, or have a lot of stress in your life with school coming back in session.  it could be irritable bowel syndrome.  there is a multitude of thing that could be setting your system off.

    best of luck.

  6. Yes it does sound like an eating disorder. And it might be something to do with your brain that controls your eating habits. You should try going to your doctor and see what they say. It's the best way of knowing.

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