For the cat house: I took a cardboard box, cut out one side, and taped on a cardboard roof. Then I took a piece of cardboard and taped it flat to the cut-out side so that it was like a floor. I took another piece of cardboard and taped it to the roof of the cut-out cardboard so it's like an extended roof. I wrapped it in two garbage bags to keep out rain, leaving the cut-out side open so it's like an entrance and an exit. I put newspapers all over the 2 floors of the cat house, and put an old fur coat all the way in back, so that it's a warm sleeping place. Then I took one of those food-and-water bowls and put food in one side and water in the other and set it inside the house. I put two pieces of cardboard under the house so it's a little off the ground.
It's raining now so despite the garbage bags the house is still getting a little wet; I'm going to tape a garbage bag inside and outside it when the storm's done, and put an extra garbage bag along with the other 2 over it. I'm also going to put extra newspaper. I'm also going to find more cardboard pieces to put under it so it doesn't get wet or chilly from the ground. Does this sound like an ideal house for feral cats to you? And how can I get them to go inside it? It was built for a mother cat and two kittens; they went inside it when I had a cardboard box with one side cut out, no roof, and the fur coat, but they haven't shown up since yesterday.