
Does this sound like a good excuse?

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I have to go see an old friend today to have lunch with him and catch up. I really don't like him though, and don't want to have to spend any longer with him than necessary. At the right time I'm thinking of saying that I have an appointment at the dentist or the hairdressers, or something like that. Does that sound believable?




  1. Dear Katy,

    My guess is, at the time you agreed to the lunch date, you found it difficult to say no.  It was easy to say yes, because, the lunch date was far in the future.  Now, you need to deal with the consequences of your actions.

    Please, don't compromise you integrity, in order to escape a little boredom.  Fulfill your obligation honorably, i.e., keep your date, don't cut it short with a lie.  Also, be on your best behavior, don't make your friend feel uncomfortable, or unwanted.

    You may find yourself enjoying your friend's company, people do change, or you may not be so quick to say yes to a social engagement in the future.

    I wish you the best,


  2. what you gotta do.

    Don't feel bad.

    People plan dental appointments months in advance and they do forget.

    Be polite about it and when the time comes...get the H#ll out of there. :)

  3. Yeah. As soon as you sit and stuff, tell him that you can't stay too long because you have an appoitment at ____ o'clock... It should work, I mean, everyone have an appoitment crashes sometimes, right? :D

  4. i think it sounds like a good excuse but try to avoid leaving your house after that because if you guys run into each other it would not be good.

    and dont listen to those people saying "dont do that, thats mean" or whatever their saying. they dont know him. i dont know him either but im not judging you. just helping.    :P

  5. I would prefer you not lie... If possible give a time check, say you can only stay for a few hours.  My boss keeps you hostage with his endless talking, so I understand why you would want to prepare for the worst.  This is your friend, maybe he's matured and you might have fun.  Be open.

  6. No, the dentist's office sounds like a bad idea, what if he decides to stop by your home for some random reason : O

    That wouldn't be very pleasant.

    Why not say that you have to be home by a certain time, and if he asks, say something like you're expecting family from out of town.

    Also, avoid leaving your houses, you wouldn't want to meet at the mall or something and he'd say " I thought you had to be home early ".

    Good Luck.

  7. I wouldn't do the dentist or anything, because you would tell them prior and if you're not hating the chat, and don't want to leave, you'll have to! I know it seems unlikely, but you never know.

    I would say you need to get home with your daughter, she needs a nap or something, or if she is being babysat get the babysitter or a friend to call and say she isn't very well at all. If you are by any chance enjoying the chat you can say to your friend "she will be okay, just look after her." or have a code like "Yeah, coffee thursday would be great. I'm actually busy now, Can i call you later?"


    Good luck!

  8. sounds stupid to me.  Why lie?  Just say you've had a great visit but it's time for you to go.  What kind of friend is this if you can't be honest with him/her???  Have more respect for yourself than to be deceitful.

  9. your very selfish

    how mean think about this mans feelings  he clearly needs someone to talk to and all you care about is escaping. call and cancel but dont lie its cowardice and immature

  10. yes, i'd go for dentist.

  11. Dentist does not sound believable. Is it possible you can have a friend call or text message you saying they need your help they're stuck in a problem, and you can say you really need to go your friend desperately needs you. It's a good excuse I've done it quite a few times.

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