
Does this sound like a good future plan? Chinese and Spanish?

by Guest67052  |  earlier

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I am nearly fluent in Spanish and I am begging to learn Chinese. I have a passion for learning languages.

I plan to graduate High School go to college take classes in Spanish and Chinese.

My second summer of college i will move to a Spanish Speaking country and try to find work maybe at a resort while learning the language.(Where?)

Then my then my fourth summer i will move to a Northern city in China (Where?) where the real estate is cheap and I can find work.

after becoming fluent in these 2 languages i will major in international business after that I will find a good job where I will uses my language skills.




  1. Good plan, I'm learning Mandarin too. I'm a language fanatic.

  2. Be prepared to study, if your studying Chinese.  My hat goes off to you taking the time to learn such a "foreign" foreign language!

  3. yes

  4. that sounds good. i'm taiwanese (speak mandarin), i'm learning japanese by myself, and i'm learning spanish at school. i also have a passion for learning new languages. keep it up! =]

  5. That sounds like an awesome plan, and you have it all figured out.

    I hope you have fun learning those new languages :)

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