
Does this sound like a good idea for a business partnership?

by  |  earlier

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I got this email

Dear Sir/madam,

I am looking for an expert abroad that will help in purchasing AIRCRAFTS and also run the airline company for me.

I am contacting you because I do not have any idea in running an airline company and this is my first airline company. If you are an expert in this field or know any expert that is interested I will be very grateful to hear from you sooner.

Now I have never run an airline but he obviously does not know this. Do you think it would hurt to go in business with him




  1. Want to know how to make a million dollars in Aviation? start with 5 million!

  2. I have no idea how to fly a plane, but can I be a pilot?  I hear they get all the hot chicks.

  3. Can I come work for you as a pilot? I don't know how to fly, but apparently that's not a problem! Cool.

  4. If you have any additional funds available for investing, may I interest you in a off shore oil platform in the Arctic?

  5. Don't do it!

    It's a scam!

    Run AWAY!


  6. Anyone that receives an offer in an unsolicited email should simply ignore it.  

    This is called phishing. The scammer is looking for easy prey. Don't be his next victim.

  7. puahhaha that would be so funny :)

    are you sending it for real?

  8. Perhaps this rather generous invite came from some obscure person or organization in the Middle East.  You can find out by asking if they have pilots who know how to take off and fly, but have no knowledge on how to land the planes.

  9. I can help with this. My father was an FAA Flight Standards Officer. 35 years ago, I smoked a lot of pot in his basement.

  10. Since Moe stole my idea, I'll be helping him.  Go for it

  11. This has SCAM written all over it!!!

  12. Sounds like a great deal for me.  I am waiting on a return from an overseas lawyer in Lebanon who found me through some wealthy relatives I did not know I had.  Sadly, they passed away several years ago in a tragic car accident on in Nepal.  I was only just found and although I have no idea how I am related to 'Mr. Urgo Mugulapedieo Sukumadre', however  I am happy to be the benefactor of the families wealth.  Should only be a matter of a few days now.

    Can I be in charge of interviewing prospective female applicants for stew's?  I'll keep the application very simple and only conduct an intense oral interview.

  13. I was thinking of asking if I could do something too, but then I realized that I'm too lazy.... I wouldn't trust anyone flying the planes (no offence loves), therefore I wouldn't be able to hand out alcohol and peanuts.. and I couldn't deal with the passengers booking flights, I can't lift heavy baggage and I don't know (nor do I want) to be an aircraft mechanic... I could drive the little truck things that carry the baggage! As long as I don't have to get out and transfer luggage.. I guess that's the only thing I'm good for..

    So can I drive the little cars?

    By the way, this person sounds genius.... 'sir/madam', how polite!

  14. Do you need a drug sniffing dog?

  15. I just changed my name to Captain, can I Captain a plane for you please?

  16. Everyone you hire will need a complete physical by the company doctor and since I am a woman's doctor, may I jump to the head of the line and apply for that opening?  I will aim for their opening if I gain employment with your firm.

  17. Wow!  Moe and I must be related.  I just recieved the same letter.  however I am happy to be the benefactor of the families wealth. Should only be a matter of a few days now.

    Love, honey

  18. With the airline business like it is right now, I don't think it would be a good venture unless you did some very "creative" advertising such as all nude flight attendants (of course on TV you can't show all nude, but you can show pics of beautiful people) and then recruit your attendants from the Wal-Mart greeters.  You can hire them for a lot less money and probably be booked for the first three months or so and then you will have to think of something else to lure customers.

  19. Do it!

    he obviously knows you are either a sir or madam, so that shows he is not a complete fool

    I say, clean out all of your savings, put it all into this one venture

    and then just wing it!

    chances are good that nobody in the airline business really know what they are doing anyway,  so just jump in..feet first!

    and good luck, this is really exciting for you!

  20. You better jump on this.  Unsolicited business partnerships from complete strangers are the safest way to riches!

    If you don't do it, I will.  I have some money from a Nigerian Prince that is supposed to be in my checking account any day now.  Of course, I also have the money from Microsoft for completing their online email surveys.

  21. That is a good one!

    I keep getting emails saying I won lotteries in other countries!Crazy stuff~I just send it to spam;)

  22. I'll fix the planes for you.  Can I use a blow torch?  I've always wanted to use a blow torch.

  23. Why not? Maybe you could be a millionaire. My father's 3rd wife rich? Give me some!!

  24. How exciting for you!! I'd love to be involved in some manner! I've always wanted to be a pilot!!  He most likely wouldn't even know that I'm not...How hard can it be?!!

  25. You have got to be a genuine offense, blondies!  

    Thumbs up for Moe!

  26. This is a complete scam. be careful and block this e mail and reported to the proper authority.

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