
Does this sound like a good law?

by  |  earlier

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  1. How about society in general just re enforce the what not to wear rule - it's like

    Socks with sandals

    Plad with stripes

    I don't like to see persons underware - and this "tradition" originally started in prisons - where g*y inmates would identify themselves to other g*y inmates.

  2. People, the indecent exposure is about decency in public. Those of us who had parents and were taught manners will agree the gangsta look is indecent and rude and shouldn't be tolerated and it's not free speach because no one is talking.

  3. It may not be right to have a law about how low your pants go but i am sure done seeing all of a man's rear end.  I mean some of these guys where belts so the pants sit right under their butt, does that even make sense.....why bother wearing the pants at all

  4. to me , it sounds like a wonderful law . These lowriding  low riding pants are plain vulgar , it won't be long if allowed to go on , that we will be seeing pants done away with and then we will be subjected to their shorts around and a worse view still . I should not have to be subjected to someone's butt hanging out .

    If we consider that sagging originated in the prisons of the world so that a prisoner could advertise for a  partner by keeping their pants in a lowered position . This allowed the prisoners who was and was not g*y and could react accordingly . If these people are in the public now , I do not want them advertising around me.

  5. I agree with it.  Too many young people today are getting more and more sloppy with the way they dress. Quite often you can see guys walking bow-legged to prevent their pants from falling completely down because they are wearing them so low that their hips can't support them.  Officers in other areas are now enforcing this too, not just in Flint.

  6. I feel that law is violating people's right to freedom of expression...except for the part about showing your buttcrack.

    I think it looks ridiculous, but exposed underwear like that shouldn't be a crime.

  7. i personally dont doesn't affect me or the guys i would date.why would i date someone showing their booty off to the world...

  8. well, they are skirting indecent exposure

  9. no i dont think it does

  10. No.  I hate that saggy pants thing, but that would be starting a problematic legal trend to outlaw certain types of dress.  Once you start there, it never stops.  Next it will be religious clothing, or T-shirts that could be deemed offensive.  The problem is just that; who says what is offensive and what isn't?  The government is in place to secure life & property, not be the fashion police or save us from every stupid social problem out there.

    And with the butt crack thing, so will that mean if you accidentally bend over and your crack shows you get arrested?  That's just stupid.

  11. no. i think that as long as people are covering themselves up then there should not be any laws to limit clothing. it is interfering with free speech. people have the freedom to choose what they want to wear and when that freedom is taken away then we have some problems

  12. Well, with all the other more important rights we are loosing thanks to the "war on terror" I don't see why we shouldn't loose the right to show our butts in public.

    However, it's just a new take on an old law - I can't go around toppless, either.

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