
Does this sound like a good plan for starting to run?

by  |  earlier

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Hey there, so I'm going to start running. Anyways, I plan on starting tomorrow morning, since I'm looking to lose weight. So to start off, I'm going to start off by warming up with a 5 minute walk, and then jogging until I get tired, and then walking, and going on like that for about an hour, does that sound okay?




  1. That sounds great although that may mean you may be stopping to walk every other minute. If you get tired try a combo of running ten minutes and walking for 2 minutes. Try doing this until it has been an hour. Change the times as you get to be a better runner.

  2. It sounds pretty good Emily.  But I suggest you have GOOD running shoes, and I'd start you off with just 15 minutes for 2-3 days, then 30 mins 2-3 days, and gradually increase your time.

  3. It is true trhat some people have particular trouble losing belly fat, but it is not impossible. I think that you're running is a good idea. If you continue to run every morning you will eventually lose weight.

    As to exercise, you should come up with a routine that suites you and that you can stick with. It should include elements of both aerobic exercise (like aerobics, running, dance, biking, etc.) AND anaerobic (weight training, sit ups, push ups, resistance training/stretch cords, etc.). The absolute best exercise for you is interval swimming (short intence sets followed by rest repeated many times as apposed to steady lap swimming) since swimming is both aerobic and anaerobic.

    If you do weight training, you can train for tone rather than bulk. Doing weights doesn't mean you have to become a gladiator. Bulk training is few reps at high weight. What you want is many reps (3-5 sets of 20-25 reps each) on low weight (but heavy enough that it starts burning toward the end of the second set). What many body builders do too to reduce fat around their middles that you might try is that they wrap their middles thoroughly with saran wrap before weight training. This increases your body tempurature as you work out and burns more fat in the same amount of time specifically targeting your gut area. Additionally the more muscle you build, the more calories it takes your body to maintain it, so the longer you do weight training (as in weeks, months, years) the faster your body will burn off fat.

    There are loads of gyms you could go to. Some national chains are Bally's, Golds Gym, and Powerhouse Gym. There are also tons of local YMCA's and YWCA's which tend to be a lot cheaper to say nothing of all the smaller private gyms there are around.

    Hope that helps!

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