
Does this sound like a "McDojo"? (Internet link provded) Please help?

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Does this TKD look like a McDojo?

Please explain your answer, and no TKD bashing, I've read enough of it the past few days.





  1. it looks pretty ok but you reaaly cant tell just by a website

  2. Nothin wrong with Tae Kwon Do. Don't listen to the hype.

    As far as the dojo goes, any quality dojo will give you the names of their masters, their achievements, and any qualifications for teaching right in their website.

  3. It is hard to tell just from a website, you will have to go their and try a class or two, to really tell if it is a McDojo or not.

    Here is a site that will tell you what to look for to see if it is a McDojo or not.

  4. Actually, the place seems fine. It is more of club than a school. I would go down and have a look. Visit. If you think it is right for you, go. If not, keep looking.

  5. I've only looked at this briefly but it looks like a standard TKD class to me. Depends what you mean by McDojo but I think most people mean gimmics like "get a black belt in one year", etc. Well if its like that then it is but it doesn't appear to be!

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