
Does this sound like a reasonable schedule for an 11th grade homeschooler?

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I was only in school until third grade and have been unschooled until now, so I have virtually no experience with formal education. I took a class that I had to drop because of lack of study skills. Point is, I don't know what a normal amount of time to spend on schoolwork is, or what's realistic.

My classes are AP American History, AP English Literature and Composition (both online), Latin -Wheelocks-, chemistry/biology, Saxon math, and piano lessons.

I was thinking a usual breakdown would be about an hour a day for each AP class, 30 minutes or so for Latin -I'm working over the summer and that's how long it usually take-, 45 minutes a day for science, about 45 minutes for math, and 20-40 minutes of piano. According to my calculations, that would come out to about 4 hours a day. Time spent on AP classes would vary. For example, I like reading and I'm a fast reader, so some days I could finish all my work in half an hour. Other days I might need two hours.




  1. That time schedule seems reasonable for 11th grade.  Just remember, it doesn't matter how much time you spend on something, it matters that your time is quality time.

    I tell my violin students it doesn't matter how long you practice, but how well.

    Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

  2. Yep, that sounds about right.  Allow yourself 2 hours per day for each AP class - you'll have some heavy research with APUSH, and heavy analysis and writing with Lit/Comp - and you should be fine.  On the days that you finish in 1 hour each, you have free time, but that will allow you to not feel rushed or behind.

    I took both of those AP classes my sr. year, and I never got away with 1 hour each...I was lucky to get away with 2 hours plus classtime (mostly in-class essays and analysis, so that would be your writing time).  I've always devoured books and have always read quickly and well above my level, but both had me reading 3-500 pages per week plus writing assignments and research.  I don't know if the classes have changed significantly in the last 15 years, but I would say to allow more time, especially as the year progresses.

    Good luck!

  3. The only time clock you should worry about is what's required by the state - and that's typically that "you need to go to school for 5 hours a day" or along those lines...

    Your schedule sounds great..I think you should count piano..

  4. sounds good!

    how does this sound for a lesson plan?;...

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