
Does this sound like allergies?

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On monday morning (first day of school), i woke up and I couldn't throat hurt so bad. My throat felt dry and itchy. As the day progressed, it didnt hurt too bad to eat or was just really scratchy and stuff. Today (Wed) my throat is still itchy and it hurts. My eyes water..but only a lot like first in the morning. Also, my nose is running..always dripping. The discharge is clear. And when i blow my nose, it is kinda thick, but clear. I always feel the urge to cough too. I sneeze more than i usually do as well. Im really tired also. Lastly, i have a headache sometimes.

Does this sounds like allergies.. or something else?




  1. they dont really sound like allergies. allergies are more of itchy eyes watery eyes and runny nose.. here go to and see what your symptoms may be.

  2. sounds like my allergies, but I'd check with your Dr.

  3. That definitely sounds like allergies.  Ragweed pollen is out right now.  If you're often feeling bad in the morning like you described you likely have a dust mite allergy.  Look in the pillow section of stores for allergy pillow covers.  They make it so that the dust mites (which eat your skin cells, yuck) can't get out of your pillow and make you sneeze.  Trust me, something so simple has made a huge difference in the way that I feel.  Otherwise look for an antihistamine to help with your symptoms throughout the day.  If all else fails, see your doctor.

  4. i would take a guess that it prolly is.

    I have mostly all of those symptoms, but im very allergic to pollin, and dust.

    So your probably allergic to something near you.

    The sore throat mite also be ifyou sleep with your mouth open...then the dry air could have dried it out.

    hope ive kinda helped!


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