
Does this sound like diabetes?

by  |  earlier

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This is an add on to my previous question.

Okay so I researched some of the symptoms of Diabetes.

I have:

Frequent urination

Tingling in my feet/my leg shakes if I put strain on it or do certain activities

My neck/upper back are always stiff (I don't know if it counts as fatigue)

I almost neverrr gain weight I always stay the same weight and I look veryyy skinny, I eat so much junk its not even funny and I never gain anything! But lately, like in one month I gained about 5-10 pounds suddenly and it shifts between 112 and 118.

Sometimes I get dizziness but very rarely.

And lastly, sometimes during a certain part of the day I get so tired I can't keep my eyes open even if I had 8 hours of sleep or I woke up about an hour earlier, I'll get tired again (this has been a problem since I fall asleep during second period and 5th)




  1. You seem to be a textbook case of diabetes. To be sure and to determine which type diabetes you have, you should have your glucose levels determined : fasting, post prandial and capillaries, and have a glucose absorption curve done. If the results determine you have diabetes you should take your medicine, go on a diet and change your lifestyle  (exercize). If you do NOT  do this I will now give you a list of organs you are SEVERELY  damaging with all its consequences: your brain blood vessels, your retinas, your coronary arteries, your kidneys, your lower limbs (due to diabetes induced gangrene); all of the above.

  2. Theres only one way to find out and thats to get yourself tested. You do have quite a few of the classic diabetes symptons but thats not to say you definately have it. The diabetes test is simple but might require you to fast for a certain period of time.Might as well Get yourself tested now and if the symptons ever arise again.

    Good luck

  3. You must get tested by a Doctor and don't rely on research to analyze yourself.

  4. Diabetes is a definite possibility, but so is fibromyalgia. If diabetes is ruled out, go see a rheumatologist (a specialist that studies autoimmune diseases). If that's not the case, keep digging until you get a diagnosis. VERY IMPORTANT. Good Luck.

  5. Biontech   !

    Diabetes often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Recent studies indicate that the early detection of diabetes symptoms and treatment can decrease the chance of developing the complications of diabetes.

    Some diabetes symptoms include:

    Frequent urination

    Excessive thirst

    Extreme hunger

    Unusual weight loss

    Increased fatigue


    Blurry vision

    If you have one or more of these diabetes symptoms, see your doctor right away.

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